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Khat reclassification

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I tried it a few years ago , a couple of times.

It's a bit like having old phet

Don't know what the fuss is really , it definitely wasn't addictive to me.


I think very few class A drugs are as highly addictive as they're made out to be. I've tried just about all of them (apart from heroin) and never got addicted, and I've got a very addictive personality. I can't cut out the drink and cigarettes though.


I think it's more of a lifestyle choice. If I were still on the road, touring with my band mates and not a dad, maybe I'd still partake in some of them. But as for the drugs themselves, I didn't find any of them physically addictive.

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Khat banned and classified as a class C drug. Good. It's an addictive amphetamine and as such sets the users at a higher risk of suffering from cardiac problems.


Odd then that the governments own advisory panel seems to think otherwise. What qualifications do you have that outweighs their view?


Just have a cup of tea instead at social gatherings if Khat was the initial prop.


You couldn't make it up!!

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the reality is at last something is being done to stop the pandering to other cultures....its a start:thumbsup:


Even by your standards, that's a thoroughly witless remark Matty.

Here's a question for you.

Do you think it's a good thing that the government should ignore the judgement and reason of a panel of exports and do it's own thing?

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Even by your standards, that's a thoroughly witless remark Matty.

Here's a question for you.

Do you think it's a good thing that the government should ignore the judgement and reason of a panel of exports and do it's own thing?


Some of these so called experts want exporting!

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Bad idea. Overnight, user and importers become criminals and a black market is created.


That's generally the idea when something is criminalised.


---------- Post added 20-06-2014 at 20:00 ----------


Khat banned and classified as a class C drug. Good. It's an addictive amphetamine and as such sets the users at a higher risk of suffering from cardiac problems. Just have a cup of tea instead at social gatherings if Khat was the initial prop.


Cardiac problems? I'd imagine alcohol, tobacco and high fat foods stuffs do more health damage.


I'd have (a) made it a controlled substance that can be taxed and (b) banned it in public places.

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