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Where is home for you?

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Where do you call home?

For me it was where I lived with my Mum and Dad, even when I married and moved away.

Aways said, "I'm going home " when I visited them.They lived in the same house for 45 years or more.

Then when they both died "home" didn't have the same meaning.

IS home where your parents are /were?

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Home for me is "Sheffield" i never lived where my parents are now and even though i grew up at just one address because my parents moved out many yrs ago i no-longer class it as home ....... I have lived abroad in the forces and down south in the midlands but whenever i thought of home , i was thinking of "Sheffield" in general

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Where do you call home?

For me it was where I lived with my Mum and Dad, even when I married and moved away.

Aways said, "I'm going home " when I visited them.They lived in the same house for 45 years or more.

Then when they both died "home" didn't have the same meaning.

IS home where your parents are /were?


That's probably because of the security you felt growing up there for all those years with your parents. It's rare people spend such a long time in a house these days, it really is a last generation thing, unless you are a council tenant.

These days people don't even spend 25 years in the same house.

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Home for me is my house in Sheffield. I've been here longer than I ever was in my parents' house, even though they still live in the same house we grew up in.


My family specialise in staying in the same place for a long time. My grandparents' house has recently been sold after they are both gone and they bought that house in 1946. My parents have been in the same house since 1966 and I've been here since 1992.

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where i called home was woodhouse, where mi dad still lived, till he died a couple of years back :( now it isnt, even tho mi mum and gran still live in the village it doesnt feel like home any more :(

we moved from darnall to woodhouse in 1980, i moved out in 1988 but still visited my dad often, for over 30 years that house was home, now strangers live in it :(

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I've lived in Sheffield for nearly 12 years and it has felt like home to me for a long time.

I've been to visit my hometown a few times. It's strange, it feels like nothing there has changed since I left, I forget how long it has been since I left.

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where i called home was woodhouse, where mi dad still lived, till he died a couple of years back :( now it isnt, even tho mi mum and gran still live in the village it doesnt feel like home any more :(

we moved from darnall to woodhouse in 1980, i moved out in 1988 but still visited my dad often, for over 30 years that house was home, now strangers live in it :(


That must be strange, going back to where you lived for a large chunk of your life, with all those memories, only to find strangers living there now. It just goes to show how a house becomes such a large part of your life.

No wonder people are calling for minimum three year tenancies, there's too much insecurity about with shorthold tenancies.

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