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Where is home for you?

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As a kid we moved around a lot, when we moved to a new village after 6/7 years in a town called Harlingen I told all the other kids that they lived in a dump and that Harlingen was much better. If I want to reconnect with 'home' I think of Harlingen, dream of it, and will move there when we are both retired. My wife gets no say in the matter, she considers Ramsbottom home and I ain't having that :)

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As a kid we moved around a lot, when we moved to a new village after 6/7 years in a town called Harlingen I told all the other kids that they lived in a dump and that Harlingen was much better. If I want to reconnect with 'home' I think of Harlingen, dream of it, and will move there when we are both retired. My wife gets no say in the matter, she considers Ramsbottom home and I ain't having that :)


I am always impressed by your command of English. Were you brought up bi-lingual, tzijlstra?


The only non-native speakers I have ever known be this fluent and idiomatic in English were also Dutch. What's the secret?!

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That must be strange, going back to where you lived for a large chunk of your life, with all those memories, only to find strangers living there now. It just goes to show how a house becomes such a large part of your life.

No wonder people are calling for minimum three year tenancies, there's too much insecurity about with shorthold tenancies.

it is, i stand outside now and feel the memories but.............know somebody else lives there now

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I was born in Birmingham moved to Sheffield for University in 2004 and left for the US in 2010.


My house is now here, my family are in Birmingham but my home will always be in Sheffield. Maybe I will move back one day but I've made a good life for myself here now and to have this lifestyle in Sheffield (or anywhere in the UK would be difficult) would be very difficult.

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I am always impressed by your command of English. Were you brought up bi-lingual, tzijlstra?


The only non-native speakers I have ever known be this fluent and idiomatic in English were also Dutch. What's the secret?!


I was indeed brought up bi-lingual, Frisian and Dutch to be precise. Frisian is the nearest living language to English and I read English from age 8-9, Roald Dahl was a genius. Also helps that I am generally good at languages (I understand most Germanic, Nordic and Roman languages.) and that I have lived with my English wife for fifteen years!

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Home is where I live now.


I left home in 1976 when I left my parents and married.

Home was where we then lived for 34 years and brought up our children.

They left and now have homes of their own.


When the wife died, I left Sheffield and now have a new home.


On my last visit to Sheffield I visited old neighbours, just three doors from my home of 34 years.....and gave the old place nothing more than a passing glance, out of curiosity to see what, if any, changes they had made.

Next week I will once again be visiting Sheffield to see my dear old dad still living in what was once my home, but to me it's "Dads".

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Grenoside.....will always be my home,i was born in a house on skew hill lane and stayed in the village untill my parents left in my early 20s,and i drive through on my way to work,a LARGE part of me is till there,my childhood and my youth.

Now theres a crem i suppose il SETTLE there,eventually.......Id like to move back in honesty,but my partner has no ties to that area

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I actually have two homes of equal significance to me.


Born in Sheffield my parents moved with me to Cumbria when I was a few months old.


Every year we went to stay with my mothers family in County Clare, and my memories of Clare go back further than my memories of Sheffield.


We returned to Sheffield when I was 6 and apart from 18 months living in Clare when I was 15/16 I've lived in Sheffield ever since.


I go home to see my family in Clare every year and regard it as every bit as much home as Sheffield.


Although a life long Blade and season ticket holder of 42 years I regard the game shown in my avatar as the greatest team game of them all.

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