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Mental health services drastic cuts

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In my opinion until it affects you or family/friends.not many tend to care about the issue of mental health, and pretend it doesn't exist, which is really sad, my dad/nan/aunt all had nervous breakdowns and were never the same afterwards.

this is why more money/time/research is needed,not more cutbacks.



I agree. Sadly it's also true of many things this government is cutting.


---------- Post added 21-06-2014 at 15:18 ----------


A spokesman for the authority said that after a public consultation, it was decided to stop paying for a service that was primarily an "NHS responsibility".


The council preferred to "prioritise those services for which it was responsible" at a time when significant savings were required.


It looks like they have been spending beyond their means for years.


Birmingham City Council’s annual accounts are here. Read them and weep. The debt is £3.25 billion. That’s right. Billion. The spending on interest on the debt costs the council taxpayers of Birmingham £165 million a year.


In the coming financial year the council says it will get £255 million in Council Tax. So two thirds of that goes on debt interest.


But the NHS are cutting mental health services as well. So it seems nobody is taking responsibility.


Let's not forget that the NHS is not free. We pay over £4,000 per person per year for the privilege of it being 'free at the point of use.' Yet more and more services, drugs, operations etc are being withdrawn or rationed. And ordinary people suffer.

Edited by Anna B
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The art of killing ones own population and getting away with it is through the wonderful process we like to call NEGLECT, where no individual is ever really responsible ever, unless of course they are from the lower orders, thus they deserve to be punished in the traditional lynch mob manner.


With a million children being undernourished, we can look forward to them experiencing ill health and an early grave, so planning for neglect has benefits for us all.


We need a reduction in population and allowing the mentally ill to consider suicide in various forms might upset relatives and friends but never the accountants, who rejoice.


We live in culture slowly being taught to accept what once was unacceptable, to allow the destruction of the welfare state as its only a particular section of the population that burdens it, and what is mentally ill anyway?


Are the Obese, anorexic, depressed along with the smokers, the alcoholics not individuals that have actually caused their own problems? Why should they benefit when cuts to the welfare state is what its all about, and not helping individuals with personal problems. We are not a caring nation anymore, we are a selfish nation where self gratification is the point of life, and community is there for us to exploit to our personal benefit.


We increasingly beat partners and offspring up in various ways, which suggests its acceptable in an individualized society, where not us but institutions such as the police, NHS, Social workers and such will do the job for us. Thus we cut finding for social workers and the NHS indicating how we prioritize people, which we do not, and out wonderful politicians help us destroy what our forefathers fought for in the last war.


So the attitude is really if they cannot afford bread, let them eat cake, and that is what the tabloid message pushes however carefully disguised. Sure we care, but to care enough to actually do something about it? You must be joking, in this I’m all right Jack, sod the rest of you, culture!

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I agree. Sadly it's also true of many things this government is cutting.


---------- Post added 21-06-2014 at 15:18 ----------



But the NHS are cutting mental health services as well. So it seems nobody is taking responsibility.


Let's not forget that the NHS is not free. We pay over £4,000 per person per year for the privilege of it being 'free at the point of use.' Yet more and more services, drugs, operations etc are being withdrawn or rationed. And ordinary people suffer.


Some NHS primary care trusts are cutting mental health services, and some aren't, its a decision made by each trust and not the government, the government doesn't decide how they spend the money they are given.

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The art of killing ones own population and getting away with it is through the wonderful process we like to call NEGLECT, where no individual is ever really responsible ever, unless of course they are from the lower orders, thus they deserve to be punished in the traditional lynch mob manner.


With a million children being undernourished, we can look forward to them experiencing ill health and an early grave, so planning for neglect has benefits for us all.


We need a reduction in population and allowing the mentally ill to consider suicide in various forms might upset relatives and friends but never the accountants, who rejoice.


We live in culture slowly being taught to accept what once was unacceptable, to allow the destruction of the welfare state as its only a particular section of the population that burdens it, and what is mentally ill anyway?


Are the Obese, anorexic, depressed along with the smokers, the alcoholics not individuals that have actually caused their own problems? Why should they benefit when cuts to the welfare state is what its all about, and not helping individuals with personal problems. We are not a caring nation anymore, we are a selfish nation where self gratification is the point of life, and community is there for us to exploit to our personal benefit.


We increasingly beat partners and offspring up in various ways, which suggests its acceptable in an individualized society, where not us but institutions such as the police, NHS, Social workers and such will do the job for us. Thus we cut finding for social workers and the NHS indicating how we prioritize people, which we do not, and out wonderful politicians help us destroy what our forefathers fought for in the last war.


So the attitude is really if they cannot afford bread, let them eat cake, and that is what the tabloid message pushes however carefully disguised. Sure we care, but to care enough to actually do something about it? You must be joking, in this I’m all right Jack, sod the rest of you, culture!


I agree with this bit in particular.

Certain cancers are now being blamed on 'lifestyle,' in other words if you get ill it's your own fault and therefore you're not worthy of expensive treatment. Even though the research into these assertions is dubious to say the least, we begin to accept it as gospel. Slowly but surely people are being turned against each other in a blame culture.

But guess what, it turns attention away from those who are really culpable, so that's alright then.

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I agree with this bit in particular.

Certain cancers are now being blamed on 'lifestyle,' in other words if you get ill it's your own fault and therefore you're not worthy of expensive treatment. Even though the research into these assertions is dubious to say the least, we begin to accept it as gospel. Slowly but surely people are being turned against each other in a blame culture.

But guess what, it turns attention away from those who are really culpable, so that's alright then.


I'm totally against the welfare cuts.


But certain cancers are caused by lifestyle/diet, as is the majority of heart disease, many strokes and much type II diabetes.


A huge proportion of our serious diseases are caused by the food we eat.


I totally disagree that it's the populations fault- there's so much misinformation about food that many victims simply do not know what they should be eating to be healthy, and, our health system is demonstrably not good at getting that info out to where it needs to be.


One of the most empowering things people can do is to not fall into the mistaken view that cancer/heart disease/diabetes/strokes are simply things that happen with no apparent cause. Not all, but certainly a large proportion are caused by bad diet (especially processed 'foods').


Once again- I'm totally against the welfare cuts.

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I'm totally against the welfare cuts.


But certain cancers are caused by lifestyle/diet, as is the majority of heart disease, many strokes and much type II diabetes.


A huge proportion of our serious diseases are caused by the food we eat.


I totally disagree that it's the populations fault- there's so much misinformation about food that many victims simply do not know what they should be eating to be healthy, and, our health system is demonstrably not good at getting that info out to where it needs to be.


One of the most empowering things people can do is to not fall into the mistaken view that cancer/heart disease/diabetes/strokes are simply things that happen with no apparent cause. Not all, but certainly a large proportion are caused by bad diet (especially processed 'foods').


Once again- I'm totally against the welfare cuts.


I totally agree with this.


We are slowly becoming enslaved to the top earning 1%. They don't give a monkeys about what's in their food. They would still be secretly serving us horse meat if they could.


It's all about the profit that these massive supermarkets can make. I can't imagine the CEO of ASDA, TESCO and Sainsbury's have a freezer full of Birds Eye products? They wouldn't touch half the crap they sell to us.


We also work so many hours that we've lost the time to cook fresh meals, not that we can afford fresh expensive food! And then they keep us in check with threats about keeping healthy! Cancer is the big one. It affects so many people that it pulls on millions of heart strings.

They've got us just where they want us.

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I'm totally against the welfare cuts.


But certain cancers are caused by lifestyle/diet, as is the majority of heart disease, many strokes and much type II diabetes.


A huge proportion of our serious diseases are caused by the food we eat.


I totally disagree that it's the populations fault- there's so much misinformation about food that many victims simply do not know what they should be eating to be healthy, and, our health system is demonstrably not good at getting that info out to where it needs to be.


One of the most empowering things people can do is to not fall into the mistaken view that cancer/heart disease/diabetes/strokes are simply things that happen with no apparent cause. Not all, but certainly a large proportion are caused by bad diet (especially processed 'foods').


Once again- I'm totally against the welfare cuts.


I believe you Dave, but my own experience tends to make me cross. I have heart failure but my arteries are as clean as a whistle with no fat deposits. There's no apparent cause ('probably a virus.')


A relative who is as thin as a lat has type 2 diabetes.


Another friend who was seriously injured in a road accident and now uses a mobility scooter has been subjected to verbal abuse ('lard bucket' etc) even though she eats sensibly but can't exercise. She has now stopped going out altogether.


People are becoming very judgemental without knowing the facts.

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I totally agree with this.


We are slowly becoming enslaved to the top earning 1%. They don't give a monkeys about what's in their food. They would still be secretly serving us horse meat if they could.


It's all about the profit that these massive supermarkets can make. I can't imagine the CEO of ASDA, TESCO and Sainsbury's have a freezer full of Birds Eye products? They wouldn't touch half the crap they sell to us.

Hmmm.... not sure about that. This can be viewed as a 'conspiracy', but I feel it's not the best way to see things.


i.e. the CEOs are often as much a victim as anyone else- many are obese, have heart disease, diabetes etc, because they do eat the same crap as everyone else. Why wouldn't they, given it's marketed as healthy?


People eat crap due to the failings of the orthodox medical nutrition advice system- people simply don't know what food is healthy.


---------- Post added 23-06-2014 at 13:17 ----------



We also work so many hours that we've lost the time to cook fresh meals, not that we can afford fresh expensive food! And then they keep us in check with threats about keeping healthy! Cancer is the big one. It affects so many people that it pulls on millions of heart strings.

They've got us just where they want us.


We don't need to cook to be healthy. I've posted in detail on several threads recently of how I went from ansick, unhealthy 13 stone, to a lean 11 stone feeling better than I ever have before, by eating primarily raw unprocessed fruits .


Over the last 6 months I've eaten between 10 and 20 bananas every day, along with other raw unprocessed fruits/vegetables, plus small quantities of cooked and processed food.


All with zero hunger (important as I have very low willpower).


Freelea the banana girl and her boyfriend durianrider cover the necessary strategies over their many videos-




and it's flexible, I've not followed their method 100% and along with the 'plant strong' way of eating in America there are methods of eating which include cooked carbs (rice, pasta etc) so, as long as the strategies are in place, everyone can eat for optimal health and leaness- it just requires the research.


---------- Post added 23-06-2014 at 13:20 ----------


I believe you Dave, but my own experience tends to make me cross. I have heart failure but my arteries are as clean as a whistle with no fat deposits. There's no apparent cause ('probably a virus.')


A relative who is as thin as a lat has type 2 diabetes.




There are always exceptions. But, a very large portion of heart disease, diabetes and cancer are a direct result of eating badly- even the medical system is aware of this, with many studies providing evidence.


Incidently- just curious, how was it established that your arteries are clean as a whistle?

Edited by onewheeldave
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Hmmm.... not sure about that. This can be viewed as a 'conspiracy', but I feel it's not the best way to see things.


i.e. the CEOs are often as much a victim as anyone else- many are obese, have heart disease, diabetes etc, because they do eat the same crap as everyone else. Why wouldn't they, given it's marketed as healthy?


People eat crap due to the failings of the orthodox medical nutrition advice system- people simply don't know what food is healthy.


---------- Post added 23-06-2014 at 13:17 ----------



We don't need to cook to be healthy. I've posted in detail on several threads recently of how I went from ansick, unhealthy 13 stone, to a lean 11 stone feeling better than I ever have before, by eating primarily raw unprocessed fruits .


Over the last 6 months I've eaten between 10 and 20 bananas every day, along with other raw unprocessed fruits/vegetables, plus small quantities of cooked and processed food.


All with zero hunger (important as I have very low willpower).


Freelea the banana girl and her boyfriend durianrider cover the necessary strategies over their many videos-




and it's flexible, I've not followed their method 100% and along with the 'plant strong' way of eating in America there are methods of eating which include cooked carbs (rice, pasta etc) so, as long as the strategies are in place, everyone can eat for optimal health and leaness- it just requires the research.


---------- Post added 23-06-2014 at 13:20 ----------



There are always exceptions. But, a very large portion of heart disease, diabetes and cancer are a direct result of eating badly- even the medical system is aware of this, with many studies providing evidence.


Incidently- just curious, how was it established that your arteries are clean as a whistle?

Extensive number of tests including MRI scans and that test where they go in at the groin with a camera on a wire and push it up through the artery into the heart taking pictures. (Sorry can't remember what it's called - and it's driving me daft.)

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