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People should be fined for not using their indicators

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I know it would be hard to police, and I know it will never happen. It's more of an angry statement really.


It's got to be one of my biggest pet hates, especially on a busy roundabout. You're sat there for ages, you think you see a gap, but you think the car is going straight on, only to find that the prat turns left without any indication!!


I'm sure these people must cause accidents too. Not only do they not indicate when they're turning left, but they don't indicate when they're turning right, which is not only annoying, but dangerous!


How ignorant and idle do you have to be to not flick your fingers up and down 2/3 inches to let other drivers know what you are doing?!?


I would love to see them get heavy fines.

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This is my single most irritating example of selfish, poor and lazy driving. I try to console myself by pitying them that they're such bad drivers they can't do two things at once. (It doesn't often help though).


I realise that in the scheme of things it's hardly worth losing sleep over but it drives me mad!

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I know it would be hard to police, and I know it will never happen. It's more of an angry statement really.


It's got to be one of my biggest pet hates, especially on a busy roundabout. You're sat there for ages, you think you see a gap, but you think the car is going straight on, only to find that the prat turns left without any indication!!


I'm sure these people must cause accidents too. Not only do they not indicate when they're turning left, but they don't indicate when they're turning right, which is not only annoying, but dangerous!


How ignorant and idle do you have to be to not flick your fingers up and down 2/3 inches to let other drivers know what you are doing?!?


I would love to see them get heavy fines.

The problem with enforcing it is that the people responsible for enforcing it are the worst offenders, but I do agree with you that is it problem which also creates unnecessary delays, traffic congestion and pollution.

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People get fined for this in the Netherlands, serious fine as well, I believe it was recently upgraded to 210 euro. There is a fine line between good policing and over the top policing and I think the Dutch have always been on the over the top side of things, but in the UK I sometimes feel we are a bit too far on the lax policing side of things.

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People get fined for this in the Netherlands, serious fine as well, I believe it was recently upgraded to 210 euro. There is a fine line between good policing and over the top policing and I think the Dutch have always been on the over the top side of things, but in the UK I sometimes feel we are a bit too far on the lax policing side of things.


The think is, there's good drivers who might be distracted and forget to use their indicators and there's bad drivers who deliberately don't use them. I've been behind both before.


How would you tell who is who and would it be fair to treat them both the same?

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If you slap a fine on everybody, everybody will use indicators. Or at least that is the police's interpretation of law in the Netherlands. I don't know if you have ever driven in the Netherlands, but you hardly ever see people NOT using their indicators, in fact, they probably use them even when there is no reason to at all.

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I know it would be hard to police,


I would love to see them get heavy fines.


We should have council or police vehicles fitted with smart ANPR cctv cameras; and a smart computer to analise the images for location and out of date tax/insurance, MOT, faulty lights and no seat belts. It should be posible now, but even parking on double yellow lines is too political.


This is about road safety !!

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How ignorant and idle do you have to be to not flick your fingers up and down 2/3 inches to let other drivers know what you are doing?!?


I would love to see them get heavy fines.


Not sure about heavy fines, but certainly some form of censure, agreed.


I'd also include people who stop at traffic lights 3 feet over the line, or just driving straight through, which seems to be norm for buses and taxis these days.

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We should have council or police vehicles fitted with smart ANPR cctv cameras; and a smart computer to analise the images for location and out of date tax/insurance, MOT, faulty lights and no seat belts. It should be posible now, but even parking on double yellow lines is too political.


This is about road safety !!


Its just been on the news this morning about the government banning local anchorites from using camera vans to enforce parking regulation, they say councils are using them as cash cows despite them only being used to fine people that are parked illegality, and with the council apparently short of cash why not rake some money in by fining people that choose to brake the law.

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The problem with enforcing it is that the people responsible for enforcing it are the worst offenders.


Quite so, I see police cars doing the same all the time, most annoying that those employed to police can't do it right themselves.

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