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People should be fined for not using their indicators

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"Roadcraft", the police drivers' handbook and IAM's and RoSPA's bible suggests:

"Give a signal if it could help other road users including pedestrians and cyclists. Use indicators, the horn or flash your lights (Ed - to let them know of your presence). Give your warning signal in good time, for maximum benefit.

Be aware that the position of your vehicle gives valuable information to other road users."


My (trainer's/examiner's) advice to drivers is that there is little time for anyone to benefit from a signal to leave a mini roundabout, so small are they.


A pedestrian would benefit from knowing that you intend to exist the roundabout into the road they want to cross.

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A pedestrian would benefit from knowing that you intend to exist the roundabout into the road they want to cross.


What some drivers fail to remember or even know about;


170 Watch out for pedestrians crossing a road into which you are turning. If they have started to cross they have priority, so give way

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"Roadcraft", the police drivers' handbook and IAM's and RoSPA's bible suggests:

"Give a signal if it could help other road users including pedestrians and cyclists. Use indicators, the horn or flash your lights (Ed - to let them know of your presence). Give your warning signal in good time, for maximum benefit.

Be aware that the position of your vehicle gives valuable information to other road users."


My (trainer's/examiner's) advice to drivers is that there is little time for anyone to benefit from a signal to leave a mini roundabout, so small are they.


Were there a driver waiting to enter the roundabout where you exit then it would benefit him for you to indicate.

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Were there a driver waiting to enter the roundabout where you exit then it would benefit him for you to indicate.


That's fine and I wouldn't necessarily criticise a driver on a training session or test for doing so but .... it is generally accepted that this signal to leave a MINI-r'bout is unnecessary since you are on and off in a very short piece of tarmac.


Taking advice from the Rospa Advanced Test "guidance for examinees"



You should regard signals as the language of the road. You will be expected to give signals correctly and in good time. You should give them only where they will help other road users. They must indicate what you intend to do and not what you are doing. Where appropriate you should back indicators with arm signals. The examiner will note whether you give signals which are unnecessary or misleading."


And from the RoSPA examiners' non-exhaustive list of qualitative statements on signalling (others can be added, amended by the examiner) which are written up on every test:

(Note that from top-to-bottom, the final grading (Gold-Silver-Bronze-Fail) depends on how high up the list the chosen statement apply to the drive).


1 Correct signals given within “System” as required; reacted correctly to those from others.

2 Correct signals given according to “System” as required.

3 In general signals correct and well timed.

4 Some unnecessary signals given, where no other road users around to benefit.

5 Tended to signal actions rather than intentions.

6 Unnecessary signals given on occasions.

7 Signals given too early, with the potential for misunderstanding.

9 Signals given too late, with the potential for misunderstanding or aggravation.

10 Failed to cancel signal on occasion.

11 An arm signal would have been helpful on occasion to supplement indicators or stop lights.

12 Must remember the giving of signals does not accord the right to continue.


Let's move on to the timing of this same signal to leave normal-sized and larger r'bouts. At what point does this signal give "maximum benefit to other road users" (I.e. what Roadcraft suggests)?

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That's fine and I wouldn't necessarily criticise a driver on a training session or test for doing so but ....it is generally accepted that this signal to leave a MINI-r'bout is unnecessary since you are on and off in a very short piece of tarmac.


Criticise other drivers if they fail to help you by indicating or if they confuse you by indicating incorrectly or at the wrong time, but if an indicator neither helps you nor confuses you why would you feel the need to criticise?

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Criticise other drivers if they fail to help you by indicating or if they confuse you by indicating incorrectly or at the wrong time, but if an indicator neither helps you nor confuses you why would you feel the need to criticise?


This is getting circular and tedious.

No need to repeat myself.

Can we move on?

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This is getting circular and tedious.

No need to repeat myself.

Can we move on?


How is it circular, I was just interested in your reasons for criticiseing other drivers for indicating when exiting a mini roundabouts, surely if it doesn't cause you any confusion or inconvenience there is no reason to criticise them.

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like lobos i have fitted a cctv camera in front of my van for a lot of similar reasons, idiot drivers car hopping, cutting me up. as for indicating i have given up on those, i just guess where they are going.

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How is it circular, I was just interested in your reasons for criticiseing other drivers for indicating when exiting a mini roundabouts, surely if it doesn't cause you any confusion or inconvenience there is no reason to criticise them.


I wrote that I wouldn't necessarily criticise or find fault with indicating to leave a mini roundabout.

In a test, though, I'd make a mental note of it and look for any other superfluous, unnecessary signals. The case for a lower grade in what is essentially a subjective and qualitative assessment could be made if this formed part of a pattern.

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I wrote that I wouldn't necessarily criticise or find fault with indicating to leave a mini roundabout.

In a test, though, I'd make a mental note of it and look for any other superfluous, unnecessary signals. The case for a lower grade in what is essentially a subjective and qualitative assessment could be made if this formed part of a pattern.


And would you still describe a signal for existing a mini roundabout as superfluous and unnecessary even if it benefits another road user, and doesn't cause confusion or loss of car control.

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