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People should be fined for not using their indicators

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Its just been on the news this morning about the government banning local anchorites from using camera vans to enforce parking regulation, they say councils are using them as cash cows despite them only being used to fine people that are parked illegality, and with the council apparently short of cash why not rake some money in by fining people that choose to brake the law.


It's a few easy £'s for the council. What do the government expect when they keep cutting their funding?

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I agree, no excuse for not letting other road users know what you are doing.


There is probably something in the rule book that police could use but

then, it would start the old "persecution of drivers instead of fighting real crime" argument.


There is at least one place however that indicating is really fraught with


Every day I drive up Crookes Road in the rush hour. As I approach The Old Grindstone I need to keep left and go up Lydgate Ln.

When I indicate left, the cars waiting to come out of Hallamgate Rd assume I am turning left and often pull out, even though I cancel as soon as I am on Lydgate Ln.

If I don't indicate left, people crossing at that point also assume I am going right to continue onto Crookes.

Best to indicate though, then whatever happens correct procedure has been followed.

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I drive for a living,there is a lot more things to moan about peoples driving than not just indicating,I've just installed a camera in the front of my van because I'm sick of crap drivers all day and I'm going to use it as evidence against the next dangerous driver I come across,like the one that over took me on a blind corner on the snake pass the other day and I was doing nealy 50mph as well when he came past me at a right speed..idiot driver was stood at the traffic lights round the corner next to the dams when I got there he risked all just to be a few yards in front of me..I shouted out the window to him that got you a long way dint it mate, he dint even turn his head to look at me,I wish I had got the camera then I would have reported him to the police no messing..I see them all day, another one indicated left in front of me on the A17 turned left then swung round in front of me to the right across two lanes of fast moving traffic to do a u turn..he nearly coursed a right pile up..then just saunaed of down the road like nothing had happened he even put his hand up apologetically to the truck behind him that had to slam all on to avoid hitting him.

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Idiots who don't indicate are a massive pain for pedestrians too! There are a few busy junctions near my house and I've lost count of how many times I've gone to cross the road and someone just swings round the corner without indicating.


And don't get me started on zebra crossings!

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The ones that turn left at roundabouts or junctions without indicating even when they can see me sat waiting drive me mad!! I also hate it when turning right out of a junction and cars that are on the road I am trying to get onto and are turning right onto the road I'm on and don't let me go!

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And don't get me started on zebra crossings!


Why's that then?


As a thought! Do people realise that vehicles only have to stop when there are pedestrians actually ON the crossing, not just stood on the pavement!!

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Idiots who don't indicate are a massive pain for pedestrians too! There are a few busy junctions near my house and I've lost count of how many times I've gone to cross the road and someone just swings round the corner without indicating.


And don't get me started on zebra crossings!


As a pedestrian I hate drivers who don't indicate. I think I should be allowed to carry a rocket launcher. I'd make sure they don't do it again.

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I know it would be hard to police, and I know it will never happen. It's more of an angry statement really.


It's got to be one of my biggest pet hates, especially on a busy roundabout. You're sat there for ages, you think you see a gap, but you think the car is going straight on, only to find that the prat turns left without any indication!!


I'm sure these people must cause accidents too. Not only do they not indicate when they're turning left, but they don't indicate when they're turning right, which is not only annoying, but dangerous!


How ignorant and idle do you have to be to not flick your fingers up and down 2/3 inches to let other drivers know what you are doing?!?


I would love to see them get heavy fines.


This should also apply to those who only flick the indicator stalk as they turn the wheel. Their little minds don't seem to realise that indicators are there so you can let people know what you are going to do - not what you have already started doing.

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