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People should be fined for not using their indicators

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Good drivers don't rely on indicators. Don't use them unless the police are behind me. What a waste of wheel space.


Then you know from my OP what I think of people like you.


Oh, and you're not a good driver.

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Idiots who don't indicate are a massive pain for pedestrians too! There are a few busy junctions near my house and I've lost count of how many times I've gone to cross the road and someone just swings round the corner without indicating.


And don't get me started on zebra crossings!


As a pedestrian my pet peeve is drivers who don't indicate. They'll come round a corner when I'm already half way across and they look seriously gone out when you point at their non-flashing indicator.

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:rant: And another thing...


... why don't cyclists have to use indicators? ;)


If i had my way i would use a metre stick as one!!. preferable with a heavy metal spike on the end so if any one was within a metre of me they would get a whack!!!... read the highway code you should give cyclist at least a meter width when you overtake,,,,, bring it on!

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There are good and bad road users wether there car drivers, motorcyclists, van drivers or cyclists. All wind me up from time to time.

As someone who lives at the top of Fulwood the worst drivers are the elderly drivers who frankly just shouldn't be on the road.

I know it's controversial but the licence renewal rules should be overhauled.

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As a pedestrian my pet peeve is drivers who don't indicate. They'll come round a corner when I'm already half way across and they look seriously gone out when you point at their non-flashing indicator.


Lol, so very true :) There are times I want a baseball bat to smash said indicator because it obviously serves no purpose for that driver ;)

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If you slap a fine on everybody, everybody will use indicators. Or at least that is the police's interpretation of law in the Netherlands. I don't know if you have ever driven in the Netherlands, but you hardly ever see people NOT using their indicators, in fact, they probably use them even when there is no reason to at all.


I use mine 100% of the time, I'll even use them when driving through the countryside and there is only me around.

The one thing I detest about driving is the tailgater, these are for me the worst drivers of all.

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Use indicators where there is benefit to others. My thinking is, if you indicate automatically, you're not thinking about the moment in hand. Be aware of what's happening around you and indicate (or not) as appropriate.


On another note, I don't get why people don't indicate going all the way round a roundabout but do indicate on exit. Obviously they're aware of the need for those orange blinky lights, so why only at the exit?


---------- Post added 22-06-2014 at 00:04 ----------


Good drivers don't rely on indicators.


I presume this is a wind-up.

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I know it would be hard to police, and I know it will never happen. It's more of an angry statement really.


It's got to be one of my biggest pet hates, especially on a busy roundabout. You're sat there for ages, you think you see a gap, but you think the car is going straight on, only to find that the prat turns left without any indication!!


I'm sure these people must cause accidents too. Not only do they not indicate when they're turning left, but they don't indicate when they're turning right, which is not only annoying, but dangerous!


How ignorant and idle do you have to be to not flick your fingers up and down 2/3 inches to let other drivers know what you are doing?!?


I would love to see them get heavy fines.


I couldn't agree more. Its the only time I think aloud much to the annoyance of my wife because of the over use of foul language I use.

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