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People should be fined for not using their indicators

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People should be fined for:

Eating whilst driving

Drinking cans of pops

Using mobile phones

Using spot lights and headlamps when visibility is good


Faulty side lights / faulty brake lights / faulty headlamps ( loads of these on the road )

Not using seat belts

Bald Tyres ( car parked at side of mine today 22nd June - all four tyres balder than Kojak )

No Tax / Test / Insurance

In the case of a driver, driving without due care and attention and knocking someone down and killing them........ a life time ban !


Once upon a time, South Yorkshire Police would stop any driver who had faulty rear lights and brake lights - never see that happen now - hence countless drivers having only one of three brake lights working and / or one rear side light working.


They also use to issue a fine for parking on a main road the wrong way without lights, that seems to have gone through the window as well.


With each generation of drivers, the standard of driving gets worse !

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Drivers by definition are lazy, it's why they're driving and not walking or cycling. So to say that drivers don't indicate because they're lazy is a moot point. No, drivers don't indicate because if I'm turning left, you should be far enough away from me for my actions not to affect you anyway. If me not indicating causes you danger, then you're tailgating.

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What's worse is drivers indicating incorrectly.

I was waiting at a roundabout wanting to turn onto a main dual carriage way.

A car approached from the right indicating right and had pulled onto the inside lane.

I turned left and to my horror he went straight on, cut me up and blasted me.

I now wait until I see their wheels turn if they are indicating right, or not at all.

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Drivers by definition are lazy, it's why they're driving and not walking or cycling. So to say that drivers don't indicate because they're lazy is a moot point. No, drivers don't indicate because if I'm turning left, you should be far enough away from me for my actions not to affect you anyway. If me not indicating causes you danger, then you're tailgating.


Drivers are lazy? Ha Ha......I've never read so much tosh!


"I was going to walk the 10 miles to work, but then I remembered that I'm lazy so I took the car!" :hihi:


Your second point doesn't make sense either. How does that apply to a roundabout? Indicating isn't just for the car behind you, or the car in front of you. It's for the benefit of pedestrians too. It's flicking your finger up or down a few inch. If you deliberately don't indicate, you're a bad driver and shouldn't be on the road.

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Drivers by definition are lazy, it's why they're driving and not walking or cycling. So to say that drivers don't indicate because they're lazy is a moot point. No, drivers don't indicate because if I'm turning left, you should be far enough away from me for my actions not to affect you anyway. If me not indicating causes you danger, then you're tailgating.


I'd love not to feed the van diesel but bus drivers have a real problem when I try and load all my tools & ladders on there.

Sorry mate, some of us don't have an option.

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Okay so you've chosen to drive instead of having someone else drive for you and worry about other people not indicating.


You have to take the rough with the smooth. The guy that doesn't indicate might be a perfect parker, whereas another guy might park like Stevie Wonder but indicate at every junction and stop at every single red light.


Nobody is a perfect driver, so drive carefully yourself and you'll never have a problem.

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Drivers by definition are lazy, it's why they're driving and not walking or cycling. So to say that drivers don't indicate because they're lazy is a moot point. No, drivers don't indicate because if I'm turning left, you should be far enough away from me for my actions not to affect you anyway. If me not indicating causes you danger, then you're tailgating.


How are pedestrians supposed to know what you are doing.

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Okay so you've chosen to drive instead of having someone else drive for you and worry about other people not indicating.


You have to take the rough with the smooth. The guy that doesn't indicate might be a perfect parker, whereas another guy might park like Stevie Wonder but indicate at every junction and stop at every single red light.


Nobody is a perfect driver, so drive carefully yourself and you'll never have a problem.


So that means they could explain to the judge when they cause an accident through not indicating that it's all OK because they're excellent at reverse parking and Super Hans said that's fine?

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Okay so you've chosen to drive instead of having someone else drive for you and worry about other people not indicating.


You have to take the rough with the smooth. The guy that doesn't indicate might be a perfect parker, whereas another guy might park like Stevie Wonder but indicate at every junction and stop at every single red light.


Nobody is a perfect driver, so drive carefully yourself and you'll never have a problem.


Which cave do you live in

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