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Religion pushing beliefs on to others..is it right?

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just had the "pleasure" of answering my door to a Jehovah witness family dragging a little child around with them in beauchief, in the hot sun pushing their beliefs, i cant understand why people with different beliefs thinks it ok to pester people especially with young children this little lad was no more than 4 or 5 clearly not enjoying himself.


They love their children so much, they wouldn't allow blood transfusions even if a child's life depended on it. Because the Bible says so, even though they didn't have blood transfusions in biblical times.

So according to them, God would rather their loved ones died.

You may as well give up on every scientific advancement man has made through the ages and live like the Amish people.

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A British Islamist fanatic who claims to be fighting with ISIS has called for UK civilians to be targeted to avenge the death of Saudi student Nahid Almanea, killed as she walked along a Colchester footpath.


I am not concerned about white British mercenaries, I am worried that there might be muslims returning and being suicide bombers who could bomb civilians and builidings.


The reason he is calling for 'revenge' however dumb and spiteful it is, is because this lass got killed because of her religion and hardly anybody crowed, yet each time a muslim does something stupid a lot of people (especially media) jump on the back of all muslims.


You posting these two things within half an hour of each others shows exactly how hate-sowing leads to destruction.


Don't be afraid of muslims longleyman, they are not the enemy.

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The reason he is calling for 'revenge' however dumb and spiteful it is, is because this lass got killed because of her religion and hardly anybody crowed, yet each time a muslim does something stupid a lot of people (especially media) jump on the back of all muslims.


You posting these two things within half an hour of each others shows exactly how hate-sowing leads to destruction.


Don't be afraid of muslims longleyman, they are not the enemy.


How are you certain that this lass got killed because of her religion.

Officers said there are many possible motives, including the fact Ms Almanea was wearing full Muslim dress.

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Do they have to? Not yet anyway, but I suspect there will be a time when they will. They were out in force today on Fargate trying desperately to push their opinions on people


Really? Whenever I've seen them they tend to be looking quite chilled stood behind a stall with some leaflets, never seen then approach the public and they only seem to talk to those who approach them.


(in sharp contrast to the charity chuggers, sky salespeople and numerous other non-muslims who approach and harrass passers by).

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i didnt say personally one to one:roll: its as a whole, i assume you watch the news:roll:


Most of us must watch different news to you.


---------- Post added 21-06-2014 at 21:23 ----------


A British Islamist fanatic who claims to be fighting with ISIS has called for UK civilians to be targeted to avenge the death of Saudi student Nahid Almanea, killed as she walked along a Colchester footpath.


A) I've heard no such thing.


B) I certainly heard similar calls from certain factions among the right wing-ers urging 'English' people to commit those sort of acts against Muslims in vengeance for the tragic murder of drummer Rigby last year.


C) I've not heard much about Miss Almanea's murder, covered on the news, never mind much outrage at all at was was


(i) a cruel and senseless murder and


(ii) a murder perpetrated on a young lady who was a guest in our country whilst she completed her studies.


---------- Post added 21-06-2014 at 21:29 ----------


They love their children so much, they wouldn't allow blood transfusions even if a child's life depended on it. Because the Bible says so, even though they didn't have blood transfusions in biblical times.

So according to them, God would rather their loved ones died.[

You may as well give up on every scientific advancement man has made through the ages and live like the Amish people.


Actually the Old Testament injunction that the JWs use to justify not transfusing blood is "thou shalt not partake of blood" ( no, not one of the 10 commandments!) it's from Leviticus (IIRC)


This was actually an order not to take part in the pagan religious rituals of the time, not to drink blood, and particularly not as part of the religious rites.

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just had the "pleasure" of answering my door to a Jehovah witness family dragging a little child around with them in beauchief, in the hot sun pushing their beliefs, i cant understand why people with different beliefs thinks it ok to pester people especially with young children this little lad was no more than 4 or 5 clearly not enjoying himself.

i ask myself there must be something missing from your belief if you have to continually try and push your views on others, surely like me you should be happy within yourself and leave others to their own.

all religions to some extent have this problem, Islam, Jehovahs, christians although i cant remember any bhuddists or jews pushing their ideals.


I really don't see the problem.


If someone knocks at the door, I answer it to find out what they want.


If they say anything that makes me think they might be trying to sell their religion to me, then I simply say "No thank you, goodbye", and shut the door. I don't get involved in any conversation. Not really a problem. it's cost me, maybe, 1 minute out of my life. Hardly a great inconvenience.

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I really don't see the problem.


If someone knocks at the door, I answer it to find out what they want.


If they say anything that makes me think they might be trying to sell their religion to me, then I simply say "No thank you, goodbye", and shut the door. I don't get involved in any conversation. Not really a problem. it's cost me, maybe, 1 minute out of my life. Hardly a great inconvenience.


I do the same, Eater.. I say, "No thanks, I'm not interested, I have a religion already." And close the door. End of dialogue.

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They are out in force in the town centre. I have yet to see anyone register any interest or even give them eye contact. I welcome them when they come to me. If you thought you had the answer to Paradise, wouldn't you want to share it? Although there are more JWs than the 144,000 places in Paradise so perhaps they should stop the evangelising.

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They are out in force in the town centre. I have yet to see anyone register any interest or even give them eye contact. I welcome them when they come to me. If you thought you had the answer to Paradise, wouldn't you want to share it? Although there are more JWs than the 144,000 places in Paradise so perhaps they should stop the evangelising.


And, of course that those 144k places in paradise are already 'signed for' by 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel:- ie Gad, Asher, Dan, Naphtali, Reuben, Issachar, Simeon, etc....

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And, of course that those 144k places in paradise are already 'signed for' by 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel:- ie Gad, Asher, Dan, Naphtali, Reuben, Issachar, Simeon, etc....


Those are the ones entering the kingdom of heaven, to sit by the throne of god. the rest of the saved get to live forever on a perfect earth, free of hardship and death, they are the meek who inherit the earth. JWs know that the majority of them will never get to heaven but will live forever after the ressurrection.

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