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Religion pushing beliefs on to others..is it right?

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Don't be afraid of muslims longleyman, they are not the enemy.


People are concerned because religion is viral in nature and causes all kinds of irrational and sometimes violent behaviour in people (perhaps stemming from a belief that we are right, you are wrong, we have god on our side and feel quite justified in killing you, etc).


It's probably not the case that all people who refer to themselves as being muslim believe that their own perspective is the only valid one, and that they have god on their side, and everyone who isn't a muslim should be looked down on, or worse.


To my mind, a good person does not feel threatened or invalidated because other people hold different theological positions, or practice other religions, or none at all. A good person, has undiscriminating compassion that shines in all directions like the sun. In reality though, this does not seem to happen; religion just makes people (who do have it) feel superior to other people (who don't have it).


Like onewheeldave, I also find excessive rationalism (Dawkins), somewhat distasteful.

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Actually the Old Testament injunction that the JWs use to justify not transfusing blood is "thou shalt not partake of blood" ( no, not one of the 10 commandments!) it's from Leviticus (IIRC)


This was actually an order not to take part in the pagan religious rituals of the time, not to drink blood, and particularly not as part of the religious rites.


Laws in Leviticus were also for the Israelites only.

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The recent rationalist/sceptic/atheist attacks on religions (Dawkins et al) disgusted me so much that I no longer refer to myself as an atheist, for fear of being associated with that movement.


I don't see why the religious should air their views and not expect anyone to counter or call those views for what they are; especially when they are baseless or meant to misinform or portray others in a negative manner.


In fact everything I've seen of the "new atheist" movement(Dawkins et al) has been a direct consequence of religion overstepping the line. For decades religion(not all variants) has been at war with education & science. And when it isn't at war with education and science, it's stepping on the liberties and rights of others. Dawkins, and many like him, are countering the attacks, lies and misinformation spread by those with that religious and political bent.


Personally, I'd be more disgusted with the harm religion causes and its attacks on education and our liberties.


That's not to say that great harms haven't been performed by some in the name of religion, or, that there aren't serious issues in a minority of religious organisations, just that I abhor the knee-jerk dismissal of all religion as meritless.


It's occurring every single day. And much of that harm isn't as visible as a community of religious nuts intent on detonating bombs on planes.


And yes, some of the those religions also do a great deal of good. But that good doesn't negate the harm it does.


I do envy the community focus and altruism common in many religions.


And that community focus is often a double-edged sword. In deeply religious communities those who don't identify or believe the same often find themselves discriminated against or worse; the "altruism" those communities focus on goes out the window.

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I don't see why the religious should air their views and not expect anyone to counter or call those views for what they are; especially when they are baseless or meant to misinform or portray others in a negative manner.


In fact everything I've seen of the "new atheist" movement(Dawkins et al) has been a direct consequence of religion overstepping the line. For decades religion(not all variants) has been at war with education & science. And when it isn't at war with education and science, it's stepping on the liberties and rights of others. Dawkins, and many like him, are countering the attacks, lies and misinformation spread by those with that religious and political bent.


Personally, I'd be more disgusted with the harm religion causes and its attacks on education and our liberties.




It's occurring every single day. And much of that harm isn't as visible as a community of religious nuts intent on detonating bombs on planes.


And yes, some of the those religions also do a great deal of good. But that good doesn't negate the harm it does.




And that community focus is often a double-edged sword. In deeply religious communities those who don't identify or believe the same often find themselves discriminated against or worse; the "altruism" those communities focus on goes out the window.Spot on post ryedo,but the religious are too blind to see it.

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