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50,000 protest Austerity

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What punishing cuts? The whole "savage cuts" hysteria was a left wing invention - the average person has seen little or no change in the standard of public services while the coalition's been in power.


Don't show yourself up like that

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The reason for the media blackout is simply the fact that Socialists protesting is not news. Its like announcing Tuesday comes after Monday. Socialists will protest its what they do best. Instead of working out how to pay for all these benefits. They just want to spend money like there is no tomorrow.


If this group of people have an alternative I would love to hear it though I suspect like the squatters who protested outside the Cathedral for a year and made it unsightly dont have a clue.


This is so wrong in nearly every respect.


The reason this country is in its current mess is because of bad governance over a number of years, and a large section of the population are suffering because of it. Nothing to do with left wing or socialist politics but real people with real grievances. People have every right to protest about it, I'm surprised there isn't more of it - but then there might be, but we aren't being told about it because the politicians are rightly running scared, which tends to prove the point.


As for alternatives, there are plenty. But the government, as usual, doesn't listen to anyone.

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nuclear power springs to mind, the reduced inducements for companys to set up in certain areas, the reduced grants for wind, solar and renewables.

these are all factored into the future profits of companys and when the try to get their shareholders to stump up cash they generate these so called returns,

the investment return has to be maintained and when the goverment cuts it they make the shortfall up in extra price increases. and maybe reduced costs. (firing people)


How much did they used to get and what do they get now?

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What punishing cuts? The whole "savage cuts" hysteria was a left wing invention - the average person has seen little or no change in the standard of public services while the coalition's been in power.


Why did they demolish Don Valley Stadium?

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People wrote similar things 500 years ago, 400 years ago, 300 years ago, 200 years ago, 100 years ago, 50 years ago... etc.


They probably said the things earlier than that but didn't have access to pen and paper, or didn't have the ability to write.




You remind me of a photocopier erebus :)




So people wrote about an Orwellian world 500 years ago did they? Like who, and how many in 1500? So do you know which age that was? What was going on in the UK and the rest of the world? By the way until recently Orwell was not known, due to the fact he did not exist.


It is fascinating how some people like to defend their right to prove that being idiotic is a human right and should thus be respected. Keep taking the tabloids, as rising above such a leve makes it obvious you are out of your depth, but ther is always hope. You deserve rightly the pity you crave..

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What punishing cuts? The whole "savage cuts" hysteria was a left wing invention - the average person has seen little or no change in the standard of public services while the coalition's been in power.


Really? What about the many people who have their benefits cut, and died shortly afterwards. Not punishing enough for you?

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Really? What about the many people who have their benefits cut, and died shortly afterwards. Not punishing enough for you?


How many is many and does that create an "average"?


Strangely enough a couple of people I know, both with mental illness, didn't even have to have a single interview with ATOS in order to continue collecting thier benefits - Presumably the letter from thier Doctor was sufficient to ensure they were deserving of the payments and not on the scrounge in any way.

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I do think so but the post I quoted was refering to a post regarding the average person not noticing a decline in standard of living....by definition an average person (or rather, average income) would not be on benefits would they?

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