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50,000 protest Austerity

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The reason for the media blackout is simply the fact that Socialists protesting is not news. Its like announcing Tuesday comes after Monday. Socialists will protest its what they do best. Instead of working out how to pay for all these benefits. They just want to spend money like there is no tomorrow.


If this group of people have an alternative I would love to hear it though I suspect like the squatters who protested outside the Cathedral for a year and made it unsightly dont have a clue.


How do you know the people protesting were socialists and why isn't it news?

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Why should they? This so called austerity has done nothing except cause hardship for the worse off. I suppose you condone that



This so called "austerity" is merely being made to live inside your means, and that is no bad thing. Most people that are struggling now are probably guilty of the same thing I was in my late teens to mid twenties, which is spending a bit too much on a credit card and taking out bank loans etc, that I could ill afford. I did eventually get clear of it all and have vowed never again to live beyond my means like that.

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How many is many and does that create an "average"?


Strangely enough a couple of people I know, both with mental illness, didn't even have to have a single interview with ATOS in order to continue collecting thier benefits - Presumably the letter from thier Doctor was sufficient to ensure they were deserving of the payments and not on the scrounge in any way.


There is lots of information on the web about the alarmingly high number of deaths of disabled people shortly after their ATOS assessments.

Concern was raised from all sides of the House of Commons chamber about this issue: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/jan/17/atos-attack-emotional-commons-debate


If you google ATOS, death and coroner you will come across many heartbreaking stories about people who have been found fit for work (including quadruple amputees, cancer sufferers and dead people). However it seems that these are merely collateral damage, because as every savvy politician knows, apparently no-one gives a damn about the innocent that have died, they're just one less mouth to feed; it's the statistics that matter.

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This so called "austerity" is merely being made to live inside your means, and that is no bad thing. Most people that are struggling now are probably guilty of the same thing I was in my late teens to mid twenties, which is spending a bit too much on a credit card and taking out bank loans etc, that I could ill afford. I did eventually get clear of it all and have vowed never again to live beyond my means like that.


Live within your means? What have credit cards got to do with cuts to public services?

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Live within your means? What have credit cards got to do with cuts to public services?


Unless they are personally affected (and they will be eventually...) people have no idea just how deep the cuts have been, and they are going to get worse.


When they need help they will be surprised to find it's no longer there - but we'll all still be paying for it.

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How do you know the people protesting were socialists and why isn't it news?


You only have to look at The People's Assembly's about page to see who is behind it. Owen Jones, of the Guardian, was interviewed on the BBC News channel even described the protest as being organised by trade unions.


One thing puzzles me about the starting of the protest at the BBC. Did the organisers really think that was a good idea likely to increase the reporting of the event? Do they think any news organisation, not just the BBC, would want to set a precedent of "Bring your protest to our headquarters and we'll give you lots of coverage"?

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You only have to look at The People's Assembly's about page to see who is behind it. Owen Jones, of the Guardian, was interviewed on the BBC News channel even described the protest as being organised by trade unions.


One thing puzzles me about the starting of the protest at the BBC. Did the organisers really think that was a good idea likely to increase the reporting of the event? Do they think any news organisation, not just the BBC, would want to set a precedent of "Bring your protest to our headquarters and we'll give you lots of coverage"?


The BBC has a public duty to report the news without prejudice or bias. That is what it is paid for. Not just to report what it agrees with or has been pressured into reporting by politicians etc.


50,000 people protesting in the capital is news whichever way you look at it.

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