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50,000 protest Austerity

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Pity this bunch of middle class tossers were not a tad more proactive standing in solidarity with the working class closer to home when they failed totally to cover the 50,000 Peoples Assembly Rally on their very own doorstep . Most of them don't even know the meaning of the word solidarity unless it's got some self interest in it for them and their class.


Quote from twitter about the BBC demo about the jailed journalists

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I prefer to think I never lose of win arguments because, in the end, it doesn't achieve anything. So why do you think I was wrong?


I didn't say you said anything wrong. I said your argument was poor.


If you can't see the difference between someone retired claiming pension, and someone of working age choosing to not work and wanting to live off the state, then it probably isn't worth explaining.

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I didn't say you said anything wrong. I said your argument was poor.


If you can't see the difference between someone retired claiming pension, and someone of working age choosing to not work and wanting to live off the state, then it probably isn't worth explaining.


How about if said pensioner already has a nice income from a private/company pension. Should their state pension be given to someone with no private pension?

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How about if said pensioner already has a nice income from a private/company pension. Should their state pension be given to someone with no private pension?


No......why should it be? For example I have a private pension pot (not 65 yet) which I have sacrificed a few things to get,I have also contributed lots of tax over my working life...if my state pension goes to improve someone else's then what would be the point of my saving up? I may as well not have bothered and just take someone else's state pension..if you get my drift...

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How about if said pensioner already has a nice income from a private/company pension. Should their state pension be given to someone with no private pension?


What truman said ^^


To add though Bonzo, I think at the moment neither Labour or Tory can really touch pensions, it would lose them the vote.


Though it's not likely in the very near future, pensioners (and anyone nearing pension age) need to worry if Labour and Tory ever form a coalition. Together they could drastically alter pensions, which I think secretly they both want to do, because it's massively expensive, and quite obviously unsustainable. Together they could get away with it.


Just my prediction anyway.

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So you advocate slavery then? At least you would if you weren't personally adversely affected by it


When there are jobs that need filling but there are a large number of people sat on their arses picking up benefits , then something is wrong , very wrong . People who can work should lose their benefits if they refuse to take jobs. Any job is better than sitting around contributing nothing , just taking .

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Most rational people would agree that someone who is able and capable of working full time should do so if there are positions available for them. Unfortunately what this Government is doing is not about that. They are making people who are unfit and unable to work apply for jobs which they cannot do and which they'll never get because no right minded employer would give them a job they can't do. Employers who are receiving hundreds of cv's and applications from people who in no way match the criteria or skills they are looking for should be having a go at the Government for wasting their time. That is if any of these 'jobs' are even real.


If I were looking for someone to say, work 37hrs a week stacking shelves and making sure things were in the right order, i'd probably want someone who was a) strong enough to put things on shelves and b) fit enough to work 37 hrs a week without having a heart-attack or without being so ill they're off work after the first week and c) have eyesight good enough to be able to see what they're doing. But getting people applying for a job who are so ill they can't even work 5 hours a week, who have repeated heart-attacks and who are virtually blind - well I wouldn't employ them, would you? Yet people like this and people a lot worse are found 'fit to work' so can't claim sickness benefit but they can't actually work so then they are stopped from getting JSA too... they are living off NOTHING. They are committing suicide in huge numbers, they are not scroungers.

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Our neighbours in France are leaving in their droves if they have a few euros, and a chunk of them are coming over here. 270,000 in London and at least one on Sheffield forum (although he's been here a while;)). Our unemployment rate is 7.2% and theirs is 9.1%. And everyone is going through austerity nonsense, we are fairing better than most. Go to France and have look (please be a dear though and bring back an English person trapped there in poverty.)





"Like for like comparisons are pretty difficult because cities in Britain have fairly wide administrative limits”


The British quality of life cannot even compare to France




Plus the unemployed in France receive far greater amounts of unemployment benefits then we could ever dream of! They can even claim for money if they work less than 52 weeks a year! And they're not regularly sanctioned for innocuous 'crimes' such as missing appointments they know nothing about like here in the UK.


We live in a very mobile society and London is currently a major economic powerhouse of the world! Paris has historical trade links with London along with excellent transport links so it isn't surprising many French and other people emigrate to our capital.


The French have 36 days a year holiday compared to our 20.


Instead of just moaning about stealth taxes and rights been taking away they take action and the larger the number of protesters, the higher the chance of a reform or law not being passed.


I have relatives in Brittany where they tried to impose eco taxes on freight. However bosses, farmers and workers soon turned and took to the streets, traffic cameras and portals to monitor the lorries for the impending tax was burned and vandalized across the region. As a result the stealth tax has been scrapped. This just does not happen in the UK and is of one many reasons why the French maintain a much better standard of living than we could ever dream of.

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When there are jobs that need filling but there are a large number of people sat on their arses picking up benefits , then something is wrong , very wrong . People who can work should lose their benefits if they refuse to take jobs. Any job is better than sitting around contributing nothing , just taking .


Yes, something is very wrong. It's always been that way and it'll never change so why worry about it? It would do well to show more concern for those that want to work i.e. the vast majority, but actually can't because employers are not creating jobs, or at least not enough jobs. Employer's would rather employ one person to do the job of three providing process times can be kept as high as bare acceptable minimum ... and sod the customers anyway, who are they? And what would happen if peoples' benefits were stopped? And of course, you've never had to rely on benefits have you, who knows what tomorrow brings?

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When there are jobs that need filling but there are a large number of people sat on their arses picking up benefits , then something is wrong , very wrong . People who can work should lose their benefits if they refuse to take jobs. Any job is better than sitting around contributing nothing , just taking .


You do realise that a lot of people who are on benefits, are on them because they need to be on them and not because they want to be on them.


Until things like 0 hours contracts and £2/3per hour 'apprentice' wages are abolished, I totally disagree with your comment.

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