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Sharrow Festival Drone Strike

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Another good year but one marred slightly by a video drone sweeping over the site. (No-one likes to be watched.) I wonder who the idiot controlling it was. (If it was the organisers - which I doubt - it was a stupid idea even if it did produce a good view for promotional purposes.) Perhaps it was The Police who had a chopper over there a couple of years ago. If so it was really stupid as there's nothing to worry about at such at event - or at least nothing that the Boys In Blue who were on site (and who seemed very friendly) could not control on their own. Whatever the case do not do it again.

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I noticed the same thing at Peace in the Park. It'd be nice to know whether it was to monitor the crowds or to gather promotional footage. As with Sharrow Festival, there seemed to be nothing going on that the police couldn't cope with.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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The cams these drone use wouldnt be any good for promotion videos. These things are soley for the purpose of monitoring unless you live in Pakistan or Afghanistan in which case these machines rain death and destruction all in the name of the global war on terror.

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If people aren't doing owt wrong they shouldn't be afraid of being watched, good positive publicity if watched by plod and they seen nothing.


So you are saying innocent decent people going about their every day lives deserve no privacy?

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So you are saying innocent decent people going about their every day lives deserve no privacy?


You have to monitor all, including the innocent to monitor those who are not, I don't understand your problem, if you or your family were assaulted would you hope there was footage of the incident so the culprits could be caught :suspect:

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You have to monitor all, including the innocent to monitor those who are not, I don't understand your problem, if you or your family were assaulted would you hope there was footage of the incident so the culprits could be caught :suspect:


You have a warped idea about how people should live their lives.

Why the hell should somone film me just in case someone does something wrong? Before you go bleating about how we need CCTV and how its the best thing since sliced Jihadists just go do a little research and find out exactly how many crimes get solved based solely on CCTV evidence. I understand Simon Holdsworth was caught on lots of CCTV, as was his killer. Remind me, has anyone been charged thanks to the technological marvel that is CCTV?

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You have a warped idea about how people should live their lives.

Why the hell should somone film me just in case someone does something wrong? Before you go bleating about how we need CCTV and how its the best thing since sliced Jihadists just go do a little research and find out exactly how many crimes get solved based solely on CCTV evidence. I understand Simon Holdsworth was caught on lots of CCTV, as was his killer. Remind me, has anyone been charged thanks to the technological marvel that is CCTV?


I think it's your view that's warped, why not answer my question first, as for your stupid question ...... do you think cctv is a complete waste of time then ? Clearly many don't agree because it's use is so widespread and used in many cases, whether or not convictions are made solely on the footage is irrelevant, so long at is used as a tool to help find criminals and establish evidence of crimes !

As for privacy, technically as soon as you are out in public you have very little !

Edited by Michael_W
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It is not even known who controlled the 'drone' or to what purpose.

Yet we are already into the political ping-pong which delights many but bores many many more of us. There are plenty on here to keep this going for weeks. Which show the leanings of the posters.


Attached to it all - the name of Sharrow dragged through the crap.


I suppose all posters know that the connection has been made, the prejudices confirmed and conclusions jumped to.


The provoking title lit the blue touch paper and away they go. Well done Harry hope your proud of yoursen

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I think it's your view that's warped, why not answer my question first, as for your stupid question ...... do you think cctv is a complete waste of time then ? Clearly many don't agree because it's use is so widespread and used in many cases, whether or not convictions are made solely on the footage is irrelevant, so long at is used as a tool to help find criminals and establish evidence of crimes !

As for privacy, technically as soon as you are out in public you have very little !


Widespread usage and even support doesn't maybe something right. CCTV at known crime hotspots or where there are high value items is one thing but constant surveillance of festival goers who are just out for a good time is another thing entirely, the mere premise that it's even necessary is to assume that everyone is under suspicion of some crime or other. I find that unsettling does the state have to supervise us at all times, are we to assume that no one can be trusted to behave themselves?

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