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Being tolerant VS being a hustler?

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Is it better to be honest, tolerant and patient in life, or, is it better to a bit of hustler, sometimes less than truthful, manipulative, complain loudly, whatever it takes to get results...


Which is better, and why?

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Is it better to be honest, tolerant and patient in life, or, is it better to a bit of hustler, sometimes less than truthful, manipulative, complain loudly, whatever it takes to get results...


Which is better, and why?


Ive often pondered on this point myself. I find hustlers always come off better in the long run.:thumbsup:

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Well we live in what is now a parasitic society, where we all attempt to feed of each other while accepting that wealth creation, adding value and creating products is no longer viable. Of course cars adn stuff is made in the UK, but the companies are foreign, as are the profits and we are the mindless workers creating their wealth, as we are just Trojan Horde to Europe for such corporations.


Honesty is also a relative term, but in this context honesty is obviously a substitute for being ignorant, unaware, gullable. Being honest is saying things as they are, to whoever it concerns, calling a spade a spade, knowing enough to question parasites. But who is interested in learning throughout life when people now worship celebrities and other distractions

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You've got to be both and neither at the same time.


You've gotta have your head on straight and your wits about you so you don't get taken advantage of, but if you push your luck too much no-one will trust you anymore so you have to be aware of where the line is.

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