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Sheffield freedom ride pensioners

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I'm another over 65, and I wasn't in favour of this protest. I felt that those with disabled passes had been treated unfairly, and was glad that was resolved in their favour - but they were a different case.


With regard to senior citizen travel passes, I'm very grateful to have free travel for the amount of time its available. I have used the train to travel free when it was available, it made for a cheap day out. Few people in other parts of the country had that benefit. However, I'm now advised I can do it for half price, which is still cheaper than it is for people who have to commute for work. That'll do nicely thanks. As for appointments, I can't believe that every senior citizen who travels to hospital by bus has to pay. I'd at least ask for a later appointment if I was struggling to afford the fare. Early morning appointments would probably be appreciated by people who have to go to work and pay to travel anyway!

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They were trying to protest peacefully, but the police didn't want to let them, also a blind person was sent flying over a wheelchair.


Strange how the initial reports didn't mention any of this...

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just wondering if Councillors , MP's travel free.


@ no user name , in a civil tone ----- c'mon its hardly the crime of the century though is it


No they don't, although the House of Commons do have a rail travel account for business travel, which MPs use for work related journeys (normally between their constituency and parliament).


In all cases they are, like everyone else, required to hold a valid ticket to travel.

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What on earth do Councillors or MPs have to do with it? Talk about going off on wild irrelevant tangents.


I was under the impression they claimed travel expenses back whether they're working or not.


So what i was saying is why should pensioners pay full fare , I'm sure 99% of them will have contributed enough to throughout their lives to the system , to recieve discounted travel.


IMO I have no problem in looking and sticking up for the elderly, and disabled

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The root of this problem is that SYPTE again have screwed up. They gave a CONCESSION to pensioners and forgot that folks in South Yorkshire have selective deafness and blindness when the situation calls for it.


It was a group of mostly Labour councillors sitting on the then South Yorkshire "Integrated" Transport Authority who approved these cuts. They also seemed to forget that the folks in South Yorkshire also have the vote. This certainly was a factor in how I voted in the recent local elections.


Has anyone bought a half price concessionary rail ticket - what is the restriction code (printed below the price - Super Off Peak Returns from Sheffield to and via London have the code CI.

Edited by CheekyBandit
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Recently added to the story on the Sheffield Star website:


A spokesman for British Transport Police confirmed: “We were called upon to assist rail staff dealing with issues relating to an ongoing protest.


“As a result two people were arrested - on suspicion of travel fraud and obstructing a police officer - and the investigation into these alleged offences is ongoing.


“A number of separate incidents arising from these arrests, and involving police, have been brought to our attention. We are in the process of fully investigating these and will speak to all those involved.


“Clearly, we are still in the very early stages of all investigations and it would be inappropriate to comment further until we have been able to speak to all parties and clearly establish the facts.”


Star reporter Alex Evans was threatened with arrest by a Northern Rail staff member. A spokesman for the firm said: “Members of the media must have written permission from the train operator which manages the station before undertaking any filming on station property. Under no circumstances are Northern Rail employees to be filmed without prior agreement.”


George Arthur, aged 64, and Tony Nuttall, 65, have been charged with failure to pay and obstructing police

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They only show you and let you know what they want you to know just look at the program about Police under pressure last night so many lies and inaccuracies it was unreal.


I'm referring to the witnesses who've posted on here and other sites about the incident, not the media reports.


If you were at the station, and decided to film the brutality of the police, would you focus entirely on them restraining someone, or include the aftermath of them stampeding the crowd and tipping wheelchairs over?


I'm sorry, but I think the spin engine has kicked in here, and without independent evidence, I don't believe any of this "the police weren't going to let them protest peacefully", not when they've been doing it for weeks, and not when people who actually saw the incident have forgotten to mention any of these other incidents.


I'm personally hoping the Northern RPC's took everybody's details, and a nice little letter is winging their ways to each of the scroungers today.

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