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Sheffield freedom ride pensioners

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Star reporter Alex Evans was threatened with arrest by a Northern Rail staff member. A spokesman for the firm said:


under the terrorism act , or has someone been told to retract that statement


---------- Post added 24-06-2014 at 14:45 ----------


Err, they dont? :huh::huh:


i thought thats what they were arguing about lol ...


Anyway back on topic ;)

they should have handled him differently in my opinion

Edited by mrs brady
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So what i was saying is why should pensioners pay full fare , I'm sure 99% of them will have contributed enough to throughout their lives to the system , to recieve discounted travel.


The thing is, that those contributions they made weren't to fund themselves in the future, they were there to fund the elderly and other welfare recipients at the time. There isn't a big bank account with everybody's payments going in to be withdrawn at the time of their retirement - there's one big bank account, which they paid into, and it's currently massively in the red from years of payments.


This generation of pensioners are probably going to be the most well-off group ever in British history, and will remain so for many more generations. Future pensioners will have been working for longer, on less pay, having paid more taxes, and will receive less benefits as pensioners, simply because of the population demographics of the country.


This lot have managed to get their half price travel re-instated, which is more than the vast majority of pensioners get, they should be happy with that and grateful that others are sacrificing their public transport to allow them to catch the train.


I wonder if a counter-protest should be organised...

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i thought thats what they were arguing about lol ...



Well not anymore. They now pay half fare and they are still moaning.


---------- Post added 24-06-2014 at 14:49 ----------


you my friend are whats called a smart arse


So you have ran out of intelligent debate and you are now resorting to insults? :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Some people aren't cut out for forums.

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I'm referring to the witnesses who've posted on here and other sites about the incident, not the media reports.


If you were at the station, and decided to film the brutality of the police, would you focus entirely on them restraining someone, or include the aftermath of them stampeding the crowd and tipping wheelchairs over?


I'm sorry, but I think the spin engine has kicked in here, and without independent evidence, I don't believe any of this "the police weren't going to let them protest peacefully", not when they've been doing it for weeks, and not when people who actually saw the incident have forgotten to mention any of these other incidents.


I'm personally hoping the Northern RPC's took everybody's details, and a nice little letter is winging their ways to each of the scroungers today.


Oh i believe it alright you wouldn't believe the dirty tricks SYP Police try and pull they try and make it as difficult as possible for you i know that myself because i have been on the receiving end.

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I was under the impression they claimed travel expenses back whether they're working or not.


So what i was saying is why should pensioners pay full fare , I'm sure 99% of them will have contributed enough to throughout their lives to the system , to recieve discounted travel.


IMO I have no problem in looking and sticking up for the elderly, and disabled


Re bib. That's a perfectly valid point of view. We are at liberty to vote for councilors who support that view, in order to try and get them elected such that they can implement our wishes. We are at liberty to vote in members of parliament who have similar views and might legislate nationally to bring this in (and provide the subsidy from central government). We are at liberty to petition current councilors and members of parliament to try and get our wish brought in. We are at liberty to protest if the current set up is not to our liking.


However, we are not at liberty to prevent other people (and especially the police) going about their business, and we are not at liberty to evade paying for tickets on public transport if the current system requires for us to buy tickets.

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under the terrorism act , or has someone been told to retract that statement


The report is muddled. It says earlier in the report that he was threatened by the BTP with arrest under the terroism act, but later expands on that to be being threatened with arrest for breaking the station's rules on unauthorised professional media access (which are fair enough - you can't professionally film, photograph or report on a railway station without permission from the station management).


i thought thats what they were arguing about lol


No, they won half price concessions a few weeks back, but it's not enough for them.

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