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Sheffield freedom ride pensioners

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30 June 2014


today reps from UNITE MHAG SP SWP UKuncut Sheffield and Sheffield DPAC attended a lobby in Barnsley.


At the sheffield station they met Sheffield born Actor, Thomas Craig ( where the heart is, Coronation St) who was passing by and he pledged his support to the ‪#‎FreedomRide‬ campaign.


On the way to the lobby campaigners met an RMT train guard, he also pledged his full support to the campaign and took a handful of flyers to put in the staff canteen. The Campaigners took this opportunity to pledge solidarity with the transport staff and vowed to oppose the impending cuts.


#FreedomRide Campaigners from Barnsley, Doncaster and Sheffield gathered for Transport Exec lobby on Regent St at 1pm.


Standing in a group around 100 strong they listened to accounts from George Arthur and Tony Nuttall of their ordeal at Sheffield train station at the hands or the British Transport Police and of the actions taken since.


There were representatives from TUC, NUT, SWP, Sheffield DPAC, Sheffield MHAG, UKUNCUT-Sheffield, Unison, BRAG ( Barnsley Retirees Action Group - who have been spearheading the campaign ) and UNITE COMMUNITY freedom riders and members of the public as well as press from Barnsley Chronicle and BBC radio Sheffield.


Speeches were heard by George Arthur, Tony Nuttall, Fran Postlethwaite, Ian Wallis and a rep from LEEDS UNISON retirees who attended with a statement of solidarity from his Union members which he read out to the crowd, There was a man from the Shetlands who was visiting the area and came to support the campaign too!


David Young and his colleagues were heckled as they entered the building passing the crowd there were cries of " shame" and "Bully" and " where's our money?"


Ian Wallis spoke of his assault and injuries sustained at the hands of the BTP and informed the ‪#‎Freedom‬ Riders that he has lodged an official complaint about this, and is appealing for footage and witnesses.


Fran Postlethwaite spoke of the importance of realising the connections between this campaign and anti cuts and anti austerity campaigns all over the country and stated solidarity with all other campaigns of this nature.


She also spoke of the completely unacceptable way in which the peaceful #FreedomRide protest had been policed and of how demonstrators had been intimidated which was poignant as SYP had sent 4 police officers and a PCSO to police the lobbyists today.


Fran read out a list of union leaders and other signatories who have already signed the open letter of support of Tony and George and the ‪#‎FreedRide‬ Campaign and appealed for wide spread sharing of this document..


Ann Scargill was passing on her way to her voluntary work supporting homeless people and she took the time to greet some of the campaigners and do a ‪#‎FreeRide‬ selfie with a campaign leaflet- thank you Ann!


There was word of widespread support for the #Freedom Ride demonstration outside Sheffield Magistrates Court on July 7 2014, particularly from UNITE who have produced leaflets and campaign materials for the demonstration.


The group sang campaign songs "we shall not be stopped" and " we've got the freedom to ride" before cheering, shaking hands, and giving each other greetings of solidarity.


The next action will be later in the week in Barnsley - email Travelpass2014@gmail.com for details or to be added to the mailing list.



The overall mood of the group was vibrant, positive and determined to see this campaign through to a conclusion of everyone's satisfaction in other words, the campaigners will not stop until the OAP pass holders have their travel rights fully re-instated.



There will be a lobby outside Sheffield Magistrates Court 7 July at 9:15am so far around 300 people from across south yorks are expected to attend with individual and group delegates from several organisations including the Durham Miners.

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30 June 2014


today reps from UNITE MHAG SP SWP UKuncut Sheffield and Sheffield DPAC attended a lobby in Barnsley.


On the way to the lobby campaigners met an RMT train guard, he also pledged his full support to the campaign and took a handful of flyers to put in the staff canteen. The Campaigners took this opportunity to pledge solidarity with the transport staff and vowed to oppose the impending cuts.


#FreedomRide Campaigners from Barnsley, Doncaster and Sheffield gathered for Transport Exec lobby on Regent St at 1pm.

David Young and his colleagues were heckled as they entered the building passing the crowd there were cries of " shame" and "Bully" and " where's our money?"


There will be a lobby outside Sheffield Magistrates Court 7 July at 9:15am so far around 300 people from across south yorks are expected to attend with individual and group delegates from several organisations including the Durham Miners.


Edited some out jsut for lengths sake but really? what a trolling waste of time. Not seen anythign so useless and non informational since the Occupy lot used to post on here


Seeing as you keep dodging the question i'll ask again. I've boldened the word campaign, what is your campaign????? or is it just to post irrelevant nonsense on here?


If you actually informed people of what your aims are, how you intend to achieve to it and why you think it is a worthwhile cause then you might, just might, get some support here.


if you choose to post directionary definitions or tell us how some passing person who doesnt even participate in the same scheme as the rest of the country (the shetlands guy, Scotland has its own concessionary scheme)decided to say hello then your posts just arent worth reading.


Just tell us what it you are trying to get then we could debate it

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30 June 2014



they listened to accounts from George Arthur and Tony Nuttall of their ordeal at Sheffield train station at the hands or the British Transport Police and of the actions taken since.







There will be a lobby outside Sheffield Magistrates Court 7 July at 9:15am so far around 300 people from across south yorks are expected to attend with individual and group delegates from several organisations including the Durham Miners.


Regardless of this the case will be heard on the facts which are plain and simple..they knowingly travelled without a valid ticket and therefore broke the law...


A custodial sentence would be just deserts.


Boo hoo..maybe if they didn't blatantly break the law - regardless of weather they agree with it or not - then they wouldn't have suffered an 'alleged' ordeal at the hands of BTP.


Maybe if protesters hadn't lashed out with rucksacks..


Maybe if they had bought tickets like the law requires them to do....


Still I can't help thinking that this is exactly what they wanted to highlight their alleged ,and somewhat pathetic, 'plight' and be 'martyrs'


Hey..have your free travel back and then when more rural underused bus routes are axed & libraries, day care centres are closed due to there being no money as it's funding your jolly days out you'll have nowhere to go and keep warm anyway!!!!


---------- Post added 01-07-2014 at 14:41 ----------


may i say one thing tough luck :hihi: the police have help t this campaign big time




You haven't got the free travel back and a lot of people also oppose you getting it back don't they? There's more posts on this thread against it than in support of it.

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It does open an interesting debate though. If anyone fancies a free ride on Northern services on a Monday and doesnt fancy paying, they can cite age discrimination if they are given a penalty fare and probably get it quashed, given they are letting others travel for free...

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I shan't name or shame the specific person involved in the freedom ride protests, mentioned as being one of the protesters, whom I am about to mention, but I will state that have the misfortune to know this particular person, and I know for a fact that he can, (and would!) cause a fight in an empty room.


As annbaker said, very eloquently, above, the case for disabled pass holders, which won back the concessions, was not won by criminality, unrest, or disobedience. It was won by respectfully, and legally bringing the case under the law, and using due process. No-one dodged the legitimate fare charges, or felt the need to get arrested, in bringing this case, and guess what? It succeeded.

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Guest busdriver1
I shan't name or shame the specific person involved in the freedom ride protests, mentioned as being one of the protesters, whom I am about to mention, but I will state that have the misfortune to know this particular person, and I know for a fact that he can, (and would!) cause a fight in an empty room.


As annbaker said, very eloquently, above, the case for disabled pass holders, which won back the concessions, was not won by criminality, unrest, or disobedience. It was won by respectfully, and legally bringing the case under the law, and using due process. No-one dodged the legitimate fare charges, or felt the need to get arrested, in bringing this case, and guess what? It succeeded.

Exactly. A good reason why this one should fail.

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