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Sheffield freedom ride pensioners

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so why was this not sorted out on the train when the inspector said tickets please thy said we are freedom riders he walk right past there was police on that train and could have done a on the spot fine but thy did not .... and made a arse of things on the station putting people health at risk ... the protesters that wanted to get of the station with valid passes and ticket was kettle d :loopy:


He probably (and from later action, correctly) assumed that one inspector/conductor would have trouble which he would be unable to deal with.

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This is the situation in the UK under Article 11 of the Human Rights Act. 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.


2. No restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of these rights other than such as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. This Article shall not prevent the imposition of lawful restrictions on the exercise of these rights by members of the armed forces, of the police or of the administration of the state.


There are two aspects to Article 11. It protects the right to peaceful assembly, which includes the freedom to hold public or private meetings, demonstrations, rallies and sit-ins, without interference from the State.


This may include a positive obligation on the State to ensure that demonstrators are protected from counter-demonstrators trying to prevent their demonstration. However, it does not generally include a positive obligation on the State to ensure that the right to peaceful assembly is protected on private property (Appleby v UK 2003).


Article 11 also protects the freedom to associate with others, including the right to form or join a political party or other group or association, and the right to belong to a trade union. However, the right to join a trade union does not extend to police officers, soldiers and some other groups who work for the Government. Article 11 also guarantees the right not to have to associate with others, including the right not to join a union and imposes a positive obligation on the State to secure this.


Article 11 is a qualified right. This means that an interference with the right can be justified. The circumstances in which an interference can be justified are similar to those which justify an interference with rights under Article 8 (See section headed ‘A qualified right’ under Article 8). You should note that a requirement to obtain prior authorisation or to provide prior information about an assembly will not constitute an interference with the freedom of assembly where the purpose of the requirements falls within one the legitimate aims set out in Article 11(2). The actions taken by UKUncut have shown that peaceful protest on private property is not in itself an illegal act (see the Fortnum and Mason 145 arrested in London 2011; most were acquitted without charge. But those who were charged were charged on offences such as taking a certain amount of leaflets into the store. That in itself seems a questionable judgment in a democratic society) http://www.yourrights.org.uk/.../article-11-freedom-of...


You are being incredibly disingenuous.


The fare dodgers weren't arrested for gathering they were arrested for breaking the law about having a valid ticket for one's train journey. As evidenced, incidentally, on the video, itself, where the man arrested is told, by a revenue protection officer, on Sheffield station, that his ticket was only valid to wombwell, which us four or so stations back down the line from Sheffield.


You can perhaps excuse, as a mistake, travelling on for one station further, but, four???

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The irony of these protests is that it's costing SYPTE even more because of having to detail revenue protection staff at stations, particularly at Sheffield and Barnsley all day every day which means even if SYPTE were willing to reverse the decision, they couldn't because they really don't have the money.

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The irony of these protests is that it's costing SYPTE even more because of having to detail revenue protection staff at stations, particularly at Sheffield and Barnsley all day every day which means even if SYPTE were willing to reverse the decision, they couldn't because they really don't have the money.


SYPTE staff?? Why are they policing it? Surely its the train companies problem?

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SYPTE do have staff but they arnt Revenue Protection staff (or didnt used to be) They are inspectors of the standard of the services and also do check through the different type of tickets but not in the "ticket inspection" sense a Conductor /Train Manager does.

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Robbert99 I have never read such garbage in my life!

You really should be a spin doctor!


Have you also stopped and considered that your futile,pathetic and juvenile protests actually strengths massively the case to install ticket barriers at Sheffield station so that fare evaders - like some of your 'comrades' - can't travel without a ticket.


You fail to answer that several other eyewitnesses say they saw on of the mob - cos that is what they are - a mob - lashing out at BTP hence the reason for restraint.


The mob knew FULL well they were breaking the law and would eventually meet confrontation and be challenged ... By the very fact they announced they would be travelling without tickets on certain days and trains... These actions were provocative and I suggest that this confrontation is EXACTLY what they wanted so it was picked up by the tawdry daily mail .

Re reading this thread and it appears you have scant support and more opposition on here, even from OAPs and disabled forum members.


Freedom riders is a massive insult to those who fought for this country's freedom. This mobs protests are born out of their own selfishness and no concern as to those who now can't get passes til 67 or as to where the money would come from or where the axe could fall on other services if your pathetic campaign was successful

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Freedom riders is a massive insult to those who fought for this country's freedom.


Don't mention the war for pete's sake. I had a do with a woman the other day who was trying to use her age to queue jump, stating she "went through a war for young uns like me" Asked her age and she stoutly stated "66". So being very good at maths, in a flash I politely informed her that "the war" ended 3 years before her birth and pointed to the back of the queue.

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Don't mention the war for pete's sake. I had a do with a woman the other day who was trying to use her age to queue jump, stating she "went through a war for young uns like me" Asked her age and she stoutly stated "66". So being very good at maths, in a flash I politely informed her that "the war" ended 3 years before her birth and pointed to the back of the queue.


A lot of old people use that. They talk about "the war" even though most didn't fight. Personally I think getting them on the trains is a good idea, as it keeps them off the road making the world just that bit safer.

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I think those protesting here are missing a key point. This was a 'concession' that was granted when there were funds to pay for it. There is no legal entitlement or rights here so unless SYPTE can find some money - where is it coming from btw? - then they can't grant it any longer. Like everywhere else they have a finite budget and there will be winners and losers.

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