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Sheffield freedom ride pensioners

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I think those protesting here are missing a key point. This was a 'concession' that was granted when there were funds to pay for it. There is no legal entitlement or rights here so unless SYPTE can find some money - where is it coming from btw? - then they can't grant it any longer. Like everywhere else they have a finite budget and there will be winners and losers.


This has been pointed out both on here and to these scroungers in person, several times.

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They should be ashamed of themselves acting like holigans. It is clear from this video that the man was pushing and taunting the police.


They are calling for justice. I sincerely hope thats what they get. They are putting the concessions won in jepordary for all the other disabled people and pensioners.

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Don't mention the war for pete's sake. I had a do with a woman the other day who was trying to use her age to queue jump, stating she "went through a war for young uns like me" Asked her age and she stoutly stated "66". So being very good at maths, in a flash I politely informed her that "the war" ended 3 years before her birth and pointed to the back of the queue.


I have to remember this Resident because happens a lot especially when you're trying to do stuff in your dinner hour and the 'but I've only got a loaf' decides they're going to the front of the queue without so much as a by your leave.

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SYPTE say they can no longer afford concessionary travel for disabled people and older people on South Yorkshire trains.


What is older people?

Your protest blatantly discriminate against other older people who are over 60


You do not support the cause of the under 66s to have even a bus pass.

You do not support other Yorkshire folk or English folk to have the same rights as you.

You expect other pensioners to pay for your extra privileges and yet get none themselves.

You discriminate against those in more rural areas by taking away their public transport.


Your solidarity amongst yourselves to keep your privilege whilst other cannot ever share, cannot aspire to and are denied access is incredibly selfish.

I saddened that your group choses to equate yourselves with Solidarity and Freedom Rides - far more worthy causes where people put their lives at risk to change the world. All these protestors do is risk the lives of workers and passengers-2400 tonne trains pass within feet of the incident last week and would not have been able to stop even if they saw people on the track.


As an older person I agree with you - I didn't support the protest. I've been fortunate to have a bus pass since I was 60, and I don't take it for granted. Whilst it was a nice perk to be able to go for jaunts on the train, it was an extra concession. I, and others of my age have accepted that our travel passes are now in line with most of the rest of the country.

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I've been fortunate to have a bus pass since I was 60,


Did they have buses when the dinosaurs were alive? :hihi:


I can't quite understand what they are protesting for. SYPTE don't have the money to carry on free train travel and they scrapped it. People then became unhappy and SYPTE came to a compromise.


They should count themselves lucky as those in West Yorkshire have had to pay half towards train fare, whilst those in South Yorkshire could travel to Leeds for free.


It didn't work the other way around for West Yorkshire residents.


Here's an idea for SYPTE......scrap all the buses just so the old sod brigade can travel on a poxy train for 40 mins

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Keep free bus travel for disabled people. But not for pensioners. If a student can't travel for free to do study and better themselves, why should a pensioner travel free to go to the market or whatever they do. In my opinion pensioners have a privileged position in society because they vote. It's time for more fairness.


I wonder how many of these pensioners were in the second world war. They certainly were not in a privileged position then. If it was not for some of these pensioner students probably would not be here today.

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I wonder how many of these pensioners were in the second world war. They certainly were not in a privileged position then. If it was not for some of these pensioner students probably would not be here today.


And we owe them many thanks for going through tough times, but we cannot regurgitate this excuse time, after time, after time. It does nothing to help society progress.


My grandad helped build the Vickers Wellington when he was 14, during the Second World War, he's now into his 80's, these are the people that REALLY went through tough times, not these 60 odd year old freeloaders. My mum is 60 next month and I severely doubt she'd advocate this kind of behaviour.


The fact of the matter is, 'young' people are going to have it tough for a while yet, and aren't going to be able to retire until we're into our 70's. A lot of us, unfortunately, will probably be dead before we get to enjoy any kind of retirement.


Life's a b***h, we all have to tighten our belts, get over it.

Edited by kdhurst380
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Robbert99 I have never read such garbage in my life!

You really should be a spin doctor!


Have you also stopped and considered that your futile,pathetic and juvenile protests actually strengths massively the case to install ticket barriers at Sheffield station so that fare evaders - like some of your 'comrades' - can't travel without a ticket.


You fail to answer that several other eyewitnesses say they saw on of the mob - cos that is what they are - a mob - lashing out at BTP hence the reason for restraint.


The mob knew FULL well they were breaking the law and would eventually meet confrontation and be challenged ... By the very fact they announced they would be travelling without tickets on certain days and trains... These actions were provocative and I suggest that this confrontation is EXACTLY what they wanted so it was picked up by the tawdry daily mail .

Re reading this thread and it appears you have scant support and more opposition on here, even from OAPs and disabled forum members.


Freedom riders is a massive insult to those who fought for this country's freedom. This mobs protests are born out of their own selfishness and no concern as to those who now can't get passes til 67 or as to where the money would come from or where the axe could fall on other services if your pathetic campaign was successful


Why has Sheffield not got ticket barriers. I have always wondered this. The newly refurbished station at Nottingham has them. Surely this would solve this problem?

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