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Sheffield freedom ride pensioners

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There are groups in history who have justified their campaigns on the grounds that because the system is unfair then they can be unfair in attaining their goal.


In a democratic system (when that system is not the issue) it is required that that the protestors follow certain rules(the law). Then events will take their course.

There is also a moral requirement for that protest to be truthful and open about their aim(s).


What they did was to clothe their aim in a campaign which tried to include disability and extend the protest to Sheffield. They did not extend their arguments to include others who lost out and eventually the group were exposed as Barnsley folk who wanted to go to Leeds for free on .


There was legitimacy in their argument. Having subsidized bus and rail travel the PTE have distorted competition for 40 years. This may have resulted in the lack of commercial limited stop bus services serving Barnsley. The withdrawal of the subsidy could on those grounds be challenged in court.


Do you have any evidence to support this claim please?

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Yes, its 'common sense' isn't it


except for the rich and the bankers/city executives who will get their bonuses regardless


oh, and the M.P's/Ministers 10% pay rise.


But why are we in this debt in the first place. Because people were stupid enough to borrow money they could not afford to pay back. I agree entirely that the banks were not blameless but neither was the borrowers that borrowed on the never never and then couldnt afford to repay.

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What they did was to clothe their aim in a campaign which tried to include disability and extend the protest to Sheffield. They did not extend their arguments to include others who lost out and eventually the group were exposed as Barnsley folk who wanted to go to Leeds for free on .


Do you have any evidence to support this claim please?


Sheffield Forum thread called Pensioners protest started 02-04-2014 to 21-05-2014

Sheffield Forum thread called Sheffield freedom ride pensioners 23-06-2014 current

Rail Forum thread called Bad news for Pensioners, Commuters etc in South Yorkshire from 31st January 2014 to 1st July 2014


Within each forum there are links to local newspapers, groups and organizations.


In the fourth post of the first thread the link is a photograph to Barnsley Retirees Action Group protestors at Meadowhall demanding justice for "pensioners and the disabled".


This same group is at Sheffield Station in the last week of June calling themselves BRAG after the disabled have gained their concession. The following national press coverage had nothing to do with reasoned argument but all to do with political emotion.


The campaign continues despite being given a South Yorkshire subsidy to travel for half fare in South Yorkshire (PTE). Does the campaign object to the half fare being charged or that it no longer includes journeys to Wakefield and Leeds.


At no time does this group support the rights of other pensioners or other users which do not have the same privileges. At no time does this group explain to other pensioners, children, young families, low-income families, rural users and early and late night workers how its OK for them to miss out on bus services so that they can travel free on the train.


Supporters of the campaign tell us that they (Barnsley) have closer links with Wakefield and Leeds although no mention is made of hospital appointments etc


All the evidence points to a campaign based in Barnsley who have lost their subsidized travel to Leeds and Wakefield.


But they will no doubt feel very proud that their sacrifice of free train use has (even if it only lasts a year) enabled the other pensioners, children, low-income families, the elderly and disabled in our rural communities and workers in South Yorkshire to have access to buses.


PS The new Off peak train travel restrictions do not apply to journeys between SY -PTE and WY -PTE

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Annie Bynnol - thank you for a reasoned and dispassionate expose of this group - one of whose 'leaders' is, if I remember correctly an ex-NHS manager, and therefore, I suspect, on quite reasonable pension - certainly a lot more than mine, anyway.


I'm sorry, to the supporters of this group, but if I can survive and travel on the rail network by organising my travel to make use of the quite generous offers available to anyone who can be bothered to so organise themselves, then I'm sure others can too.


For anyones information who thinks I am being harsh, I still have 6 months to go before I can obtain a Senior Citizens Railcard, so I have to pay 'full' fare, but I still seem to be able to get fares for longish journeys at something around 1/3rd of the standard by planning just that little bit ahead.

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I would advise the use of water cannon on this bunch of corner cuttting twerlies and scroungers, and happily pull the trigger myself.

Do they not realise that in many other countries they would be: (a) dead (b) as good as dead or © queueing at a soup kitchen?

I have a SS railcard. But I am still working. And I acknowledge that "leisure" trips should take place outta commuting time. And the queue of blue-rinsed twerlies at Hills tram stop at 09:31 on a morning does my head in. You have all ****ing day, why not leave it 10 mins to be outta everyone's hair?

Edited by boldforester
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OK, here's something that's going to annoy a lot of people: I don't really get why we're giving pensioners free travel anyway, bus, train or otherwise.


Yes they've done their bit, but have they not enjoyed the luxuries of cheap housing, cheap fuel and good pensions that the majority of us will not be able to afford?


All while the working masses pay tax through the nose to subsidize their living.


Doesn't make sense to me. I'm going to get nowt in 30 odd years when I'm 65, but those who are already 65 get given everything they want. Not cool.

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OK, here's something that's going to annoy a lot of people: I don't really get why we're giving pensioners free travel anyway, bus, train or otherwise.


Yes they've done their bit, but have they not enjoyed the luxuries of cheap housing, cheap fuel and good pensions that the majority of us will not be able to afford?


All while the working masses pay tax through the nose to subsidize their living.


Doesn't make sense to me. I'm going to get nowt in 30 odd years when I'm 65, but those who are already 65 get given everything they want. Not cool.


How much tax do you suppose pensioners will have paid in a full working life?

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Yes they've done their bit, but have they not enjoyed the luxuries of cheap housing, cheap fuel and good pensions that the majority of us will not be able to afford?


I've already said that. What I want to know is why I've got to pay tax on EVERYTHING and then pay more for services that other people, who have had a better deal than me, get for free? It'll win votes, but it's NUTS!

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