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Sheffield freedom ride pensioners

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I've already said that. What I want to know is why I've got to pay tax on EVERYTHING and then pay more for services that other people, who have had a better deal than me, get for free? It'll win votes, but it's NUTS!


If benefits to pensioners is the source of such a depletion to your income and your general well being and demeanour I don't believe I have much advice or enlightenment to offer you.


Don't shoot the messenger here but the unpalatable truth you must face is that there will always be those who are getting a better deal than you.

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But why are we in this debt in the first place. Because people were stupid enough to borrow money they could not afford to pay back. I agree entirely that the banks were not blameless but neither was the borrowers that borrowed on the never never and then couldnt afford to repay.


I didn't borrow more than I could afford to pay back, neither did any of the the pensioners I know.


Remind me again why we should have to suffer reduced public services and higher taxes?


You're starting to sound like one of Evil Baroness Thatcher's flying monkeys :roll:

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I would advise the use of water cannon on this bunch of corner cuttting twerlies and scroungers, and happily pull the trigger myself.

Do they not realise that in many other countries they would be: (a) dead (b) as good as dead or © queueing at a soup kitchen?

I have a SS railcard. But I am still working. And I acknowledge that "leisure" trips should take place outta commuting time. And the queue of blue-rinsed twerlies at Hills tram stop at 09:31 on a morning does my head in. You have all ****ing day, why not leave it 10 mins to be outta everyone's hair?


I didn't know the SS issued railcards. Thought they preferred Panzer tanks.

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Annie Bynnol - thank you for a reasoned and dispassionate expose of this group - one of whose 'leaders' is, if I remember correctly an ex-NHS manager, and therefore, I suspect, on quite reasonable pension - certainly a lot more than mine, anyway.


I'm sorry, to the supporters of this group, but if I can survive and travel on the rail network by organising my travel to make use of the quite generous offers available to anyone who can be bothered to so organise themselves, then I'm sure others can too.


For anyones information who thinks I am being harsh, I still have 6 months to go before I can obtain a Senior Citizens Railcard, so I have to pay 'full' fare, but I still seem to be able to get fares for longish journeys at something around 1/3rd of the standard by planning just that little bit ahead.


Have you ever read 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist'?

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I didn't borrow more than I could afford to pay back, neither did any of the the pensioners I know.


Remind me again why we should have to suffer reduced public services and higher taxes?


You're starting to sound like one of Evil Baroness Thatcher's flying monkeys :roll:


Firstly maybe you didnt get into debt but many did thats why the economy collapsed by people borrowing too much. As for why I am so upset its because while you got all these discounts and free travel I had to fork out for the high fares.


Also if you think we can afford some groups to get subsidies where do you think we could get the money from?

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I have been looking at the Times property section in today's Sunday supplement and there is not a property under £750,000 with some being over 3.5 million.

It makes the cost of the off peak travel in South Yorks[ for the less well off] [is it £60,000 per year subsidy] look like a weekend at chequers .

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Also if you think we can afford some groups to get subsidies where do you think we could get the money from?


Tons of groups get subsidies - pensioners, rail users, bus users, NHS patients, school children, anyone in receipt of state benefits, the Royal Family, sports clubs, arts organisations, etc, etc. Most of the country gets a subsidy of some sort. That's what public expenditure is.


You seem to think the government should stop spending money.


The money comes from taxes by the way.

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