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Sheffield freedom ride pensioners

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I'd be more interested in seeing what happened just before this clip begins...


Well quite...


not sure i can watch it again tbh lol, that woman shouting and screaming annoyed the living jeebus out of me :(

just like when i tried watching the blair witch project :gag:


There's a mute button on the bottom right ;)

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It might turn out to be good for their cause, as it seems action without violence is mostly ignored by the media.


Not a chance, where is all this money going to come from en? More tendered bus services axed (see the other read on the go) more than likely. And then they will moan about that...

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I know I'm slightly off topic, but I would like to say that, as a 66 year old woman who was fortunate to be able to retire at 60 on a state pension, I am very uncomfortable with this protest. Our generation has been very fortunate, in general. The bus and rail concessions were/are just that ie concessions, not a right nor entitlement.

Society, education and working life have all changed, in the majority of respects (but not all) for the worse over the last 50 years and I feel that the generations after mine are having a very tough time of it. Our post WW2 working class generation was brought up in a time of financial hardship, but the spirit of community and the sense of support and security which that engendered is mostly gone now. My children, now in their 30s are going to have to work until they are 70 or older. Nowadays, most couples with children find it necessary for both partners to work; the luxury of having the choice to be a stay-at-home mum is not possible for most people. Working life itself is, for almost everyone, so much more stressful and precarious than it was even 20 years ago. I could go on, but I'll finish by saying that one should count one's blessings and, at a time when the country is struggling to balance the books and everyone is feeling the pinch, losing the concession of free rail travel and a reduction in the hours of free bus travel isn't, in my opinion, something that warrants such a level of protest nor justifies the attendant cost of police time.


Thank you poster for showing true British spirit I admire. I just wished more people were like you. A pleasure to read your post.

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from what i can see of the video they are on a southbound platform, which is strange because sheffield is the most southerly stop for sy (apart from stations which dont go from that platform) which leads me to two conclusions..


either they were getting off the train at sheffield, which is unlikely as if the police were meeting them they would have been contained on the train


or they met on that platform specifically to cause problems to the trains to london and cross country ones...

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from what i can see of the video they are on a southbound platform, which is strange because sheffield is the most southerly stop for sy (apart from stations which dont go from that platform) which leads me to two conclusions..


either they were getting off the train at sheffield, which is unlikely as if the police were meeting them they would have been contained on the train


or they met on that platform specifically to cause problems to the trains to london and cross country ones...


They would have to pass this point if may have come off an arrival at platform 3.

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from what i can see of the video they are on a southbound platform, which is strange because sheffield is the most southerly stop for sy (apart from stations which dont go from that platform) which leads me to two conclusions..


either they were getting off the train at sheffield, which is unlikely as if the police were meeting them they would have been contained on the train


or they met on that platform specifically to cause problems to the trains to london and cross country ones...


As I wasn't there I cannot say with 100% confidence, but it looks like a ticket barrier was in operation checking passengers alighting from a local train that had arrived on platform 3 which is something that is done on a semi-regular basis.


Passenger alighting the train would have been required to show their train ticket to exit the platform. Anyone unable to produce a valid ticket for the journey they just made are taken to one side to deal with a Northern Rail Revenue Protection Officer, supervised by police. A set script is followed which is designed to establish whether the passenger had intention to buy a ticket. If the circumstances are along the lines of no ticket machine at boarding point and the guard on the train was unable to issue a ticket, then the passenger will be sold a ticket and sent on their way. If the passenger deliberately evaded paying the fare then their details are taken, they are given a caution and the process of prosecution begins.


Generally when such a ticket barrier is in operation passengers waiting to board the train will not be permitted onto the platform until the arriving passengers have cleared the platform. Once the arrivals are out then they will check tickets onto the platform.

Edited by Andy C
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being a pensioner I use my bus pass sparingly, last week I took the bus to RHH as I sat there watching the multi racial passengers getting on and off (of all ages) the only people I saw pay a fare were the white ones, the rest had bus passes. so if the gov. can give the rest of the world passes I say fight on oap's you may have been like me and worked until you were 65 and earned one


I heard some OAP's on a tram a while ago muttering to each other "Why's he got a card? He can't be older than 25". They're right, I'm not, it's a Stagecoach Smartcard that I pay £46 a month for. The sense of entitlement and how nobody else should be allowed anything is an attitude among many OAP's that I seriously dislike. Quick to judge without knowing the facts. And, (as an 'open letter' to OAP's, you didn't pay your taxes to reap these benefits now, it's the people like myself that are funding your concessions. And you know what? When I retire, there probably won't be enough in the pot to pay for any concessions. It'll be my generation that ultimately suffer for your never being happy with what you've got :roll:)


On topic: If you break the law, you pay the price for the crime. If as the eyewitness in this thread stated being aggressive, then what choice do the police have but to restrain? Take everything the guy throws at them on the chin and let him off with a stern warning? I think not. Again, this generation are quick to judge the 'youth of today' and how disgusting my generations behaviour is, but if they take a good look in the mirror, they are no better.

Edited by kdhurst380
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