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I love living in Sheffield, and I would not want to live anywhere else.


This exactly


I've lived in Hull and Nottingham and settled instantly in Sheffield. I wasn't happy in Nottingham so I didn't sit grumbling, I moved to somewhere that suited me.


Nowhere can suit EVERYONE, so perhaps those who always point enviously at other places and go on about more opportunities there - well perhaps they should take them and move!


As for the HS3, well, there's a straight-ish line between the 4 places mentioned - why do you think the M62 doesn't come to Sheffield? It's not conspiracy, it's geography!

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I lived in a small southern town for the majority of my 23 years on this planet, having lived in Sheffield for a year and a bit, I can honestly say there is nowhere I'd rather live.


Everything I need is here, shops, an extremely good (and great value) public transport network, places to socialise, endless leisure, I don't need to go anywhere else, which I had to do where I come from originally.


I'd love to eventually see the more run down parts developed into nicer, usable spaces/buildings, but really, it's pretty good as it is.


I'm a small town lad though, moving to a large city is bound to impress me!

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I lived in a small southern town for the majority of my 23 years on this planet, having lived in Sheffield for a year and a bit, I can honestly say there is nowhere I'd rather live.


Everything I need is here, shops, an extremely good (and great value) public transport network, places to socialise, endless leisure, I don't need to go anywhere else, which I had to do where I come from originally.


I'd love to eventually see the more run down parts developed into nicer, usable spaces/buildings, but really, it's pretty good as it is.


I'm a small town lad though, moving to a large city is bound to impress me!

I guess I have the same feelings.

After sixty years of city life in Sheffield it's a breath of fresh air to live in a small village.

Sheffield ain't that bad, but reading some threads on here I do despair at what's happening to what was once my home.

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I guess I have the same feelings.

After sixty years of city life in Sheffield it's a breath of fresh air to live in a small village.

Sheffield ain't that bad, but reading some threads on here I do despair at what's happening to what was once my home.


I'd take many of these threads with a pinch of salt. There are so many on here who aren't able to see beyond the end of their nose.

Sheffield still is a lovely place to live - much of the rubbish spouted on here is from those who have never lived anywhere else and don't know any better but strangely don't leave this place ......:)

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Hi Sheffielders are you like me and getting fed up of hearing about Leeds been the great city of the North . Look North should be told that there is a far greater city up north . The place of my birth CITY of SHEFFIELD . After all how many world changing Inventions IE Steel Silver-plate Stainless steel and not to mention forging the crank shafts for the World WII Spitfire .So come on Look North and stop telling me Leeds is the great city of the north when we in Sheffield know different.:)


Can't we have two?

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Sheffield can recover, there are plenty of successful companies in the city and its surrounds.


But we need to accept that the days of lots of big employers employing thousands of people have gone, even if globalisation hadn't taken those jobs away advances in technology would.


The future lies in lots of small to medium sized operations with a few big ones, which cover everything from manufacturing and specialised heavy engineering to the knowledge and cultural industries backed up by a thriving service sector and a scattering of niche operations.


The things standing in the way are employers reluctance to invest in genuine useful training for their staff, the short-termism of the finance providers and the lack of the sort of long term investors who are willing to let a company grow and develop rather than those who want as much out of the company that they can get as soon as they can with no regard for the staff and long term viability of the business. There also needs to be a more equitable distribution of the wealth created by a firm between the employers, managers and shareholders.


If people have secure, reasonably well paid jobs then they will spend which will provide support for a solid, stable retail sector.


Government could do something by structuring the various tax laws to incentivise training and long term investment.


Clearly, infrastructure is also important, the streets ahead program and hs2/3 will help but there is also a need for affordable housing and government can help there too.


The Council can do almost nothing to help or hinder this, they simply dont have the power. They can fiddle at the edges but thats about it. Giving them the power would require decentralising government to a far greater extent than westminster has countenanced for at least 50 years and possibly throwing in a bit of regional government too.


I agree with your post andy but sensible things never seem to happen.

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Oh,the number of times I have been shouted down and sworn at for suggesting a southern version of the M62 through the Peak District, but the result is:

South Yorkshire jobs 0 pretty countryside 10.

If only the unemployed could live on lovely views. :rolleyes:


But we already have the basic infrastructure to steal a march on Leeds - the railway tunnels under the Pennines, built after the second world war, linking us to Manchester.


I think it's time for Sheffield to become proactive. What about a consortium of Sheffield businessmen like Paul Sykes getting together to fund the reopening of this link?


You have to be quick off the mark to succeed these days and be there first.

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The problem with people in Leeds and Manchester is that they've all got their heads stuck where the sun doesn't shine. I'm not bothered what those two cities do, let them get on with their own crummy lives

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Is there any wonder Look North doesn't feature Sheffield when all people do is moan, moan, moan? I use this forum to keep in touch with my home town but my god, it's depressing. You get a world class sporting event (TDF) and this forum is full of people moaning about the roads being closed. You get a brand new market and the forum is full of people moaning about the old, smelly, dirty market closing. You're getting a brand new cinema but before a brick has even been laid, you're writing it off as a failure.


No wonder they don't want to bring HS3 to Sheffield with all this moaning!

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