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When I go somewhere local where I have not been for a while, it surprises me how much change there is, went through catcliffe yesterday and was amazed at the industrial units and opportunities there, if these are not positive what is?.


True, but isn't that Rotherham, not Sheffield?


what can you buy from other places that has the places name on it?.


Seaside Rock, Blackpool? :)

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Sheffield can recover, there are plenty of successful companies in the city and its surrounds.


But we need to accept that the days of lots of big employers employing thousands of people have gone, even if globalisation hadn't taken those jobs away advances in technology would.


The future lies in lots of small to medium sized operations with a few big ones, which cover everything from manufacturing and specialised heavy engineering to the knowledge and cultural industries backed up by a thriving service sector and a scattering of niche operations.


The things standing in the way are employers reluctance to invest in genuine useful training for their staff, the short-termism of the finance providers and the lack of the sort of long term investors who are willing to let a company grow and develop rather than those who want as much out of the company that they can get as soon as they can with no regard for the staff and long term viability of the business. There also needs to be a more equitable distribution of the wealth created by a firm between the employers, managers and shareholders.


If people have secure, reasonably well paid jobs then they will spend which will provide support for a solid, stable retail sector.


Government could do something by structuring the various tax laws to incentivise training and long term investment.


Clearly, infrastructure is also important, the streets ahead program and hs2/3 will help but there is also a need for affordable housing and government can help there too.


The Council can do almost nothing to help or hinder this, they simply dont have the power. They can fiddle at the edges but thats about it. Giving them the power would require decentralising government to a far greater extent than westminster has countenanced for at least 50 years and possibly throwing in a bit of regional government too.


Sheggield cant recover as we have so many lazy people posting on forums instead of working during working hours

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So are we the only city/town with problems? If you want to take the doom and gloom glasses off and try to be more aware of our surroundings you may be surprised.

When I go somewhere local where I have not been for a while, it surprises me how much change there is, went through catcliffe yesterday and was amazed at the industrial units and opportunities there, if these are not positive what is?.

We have the finest countryside in the world on our doorsteps and the freedom to enjoy it, we are central to england and so can travel in any direction, and whichever way you turn there are trees and greenery everywhere, yes we have hills but the positive is when you have struggled up one the view is amazing now we do not have the smog of yesteryear, and then you can go down the other side and see the diversity of sheffield, yes our council may be neanderthal and as fast moving as our traffic but we have a thriving undercurrant of doing things we are best at and not just following the crowds.

If you think Leeds or Manchester have better shopping then go there and when you come back appreciate the difference, what else have these two places got, does not the phrase 'Made in Sheffield' still have a worldwide significance and make you proud, what can you buy from other places that has the places name on it?.


As long as you keep thinking one place is better than the other or some place is worse than the other.

You have unconsciously, without your awareness, fallen into a thinking process that removes you from reality. Judging in your mind has started and this judging is not really voluntary. It is a sleepy ongoing chopping up of everything in your mind that reduces everything into some marketable competing item and you lose all contact with the real meaning.

Because it happens unconsciously to you, you are not aware that this ongoing mind process of chopping everything up in separates and labelling them to start comparing and judging everything about them in your brain is preventing you from seeing and discovering the real true meaning of their connections.

The more all these places get separated and given judgmental emotions in your mind you will become an innocent victim of yourself and lose the capacity to see where the true centre is of all these good and bad places.


Analysing cities and then judging and comparing them in your mind will make you feel sick, sad, confused. Seeing their connections is helpful in seeing in how you are bigger, much much bigger than just Sheffield. Why just stick to one little thing when there is so much more out there.

When you set these limits on the outside you also set these limits in your own consciousness. And you will see how fighting for an image for some place and putting others down is only some sad way of coping with your own sad life.


Why is it sad? You have become dependant and identified with the image of some place, you lost all freedom to have everything. As soon as you expand and allow things to grow some name or place and their state of being will not be enough for you and you will realise you have just fooled yourself into thinking some place somewhere is greater than others to make yourself feel better emotionally while you really needed a bigger world to live in.

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We were told by the self regarding city councilors that the World Student Games was a 'world class event'. A cigar for anyone that can tell me which cities subsequent games have been held in.

We're still paying for their ego trip.


The World Sudent Games has been held in 11 different cities, since Sheffield held them. Plus 11 World Sudent winter games have been held, Spain,Austria,Turkey,Poland, China,etc,etc,



Buffalo-USA .Fukoaka -Japan, Sicily-Italy, Palma de Majorca -Spain,


Beijing China, Daegu- South Korea, Izmir-Turkey, Bangkok-Thailand,


Belgrade-Serbia. Shenzen-China, Kazan Russia.


I will not bother with the Cigar, don't smoke.

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The World Sudent Games has been held in 11 different cities, since Sheffield held them.

Buffalo-USA .Fukoaka -Japan, Sicily-Italy, Palma de Majorca -Spain,


Beijing China, Daegu- South Korea, Izmir-Turkey, Bangkok-Thailand,


Belgrade-Serbia. Shenzen-China, Kazan Russia.


I will not bother with the Cigar, don't smoke.


I got it for post #37 :D

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