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Does any one know where this person lives

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i am trying to find the where abouts of an old girl friend of mine she's called jean groves she lived at intake sheffield on mansfield road opposite the noah' ark pub i would like to know whats happened to her and whers she is now her parents were jack and kath clark they had the news agent at intake bus terminus, jean also has a son called stuart

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Yep your right there i first met jean when she came in the royal oak where i was working i was there a good fewyear then i wa prresdent of intake club also for a good few yearsshe used to come in the oak with her mate called joan. We bought a hose on mansfield road just below the cemetery and bill fiddlers memorials shop her sister had hair dressers in chesterfield only half amile from where i live now then she opened up another shop in south rd crooks in sheeffield in deed a small world regards steve

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