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Nosy Neighbours can check on disability benefits

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I work in the private sector. If you recieve funds from the state, taxpayers have a right to know how much and why.


If you've ever had hospital treatment, you didn't pay at the point you received it did you ? So it was paid for for you, it's the same thing.


Also, what if someone became ill and had to give up work after working all their life till that point, do you think they should be treated in this way ? or should those subjected to such treatment be hand picked ? :huh:

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That DVLA website is actually very useful, I can't see the problem to be honest.

It lets you check the tax and MOT status using the numberplate, it's quick and efficient.


Who cares if it shows up the car is disabled, 99% of the time the car will have the blue disc in the window anyway and no-one thinks twice when they see one of those.

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Why shouldn't people be entitled to know who is on benefits? It's us that pay for it, after all.


What about someone, say 62 year old who has worked all their life and find themselves unemployed. They have paid into the system all their working life it is not just us the taxpayers that are paying for the benefit, they are just getting back some of what they have put in.

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What about someone, say 62 year old who has worked all their life and find themselves unemployed. They have paid into the system all their working life it is not just us the taxpayers that are paying for the benefit, they are just getting back some of what they have put in.


Yeah, but that's not fair. Some like HH need someone to tread on to make themselves feel better.

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Why shouldn't people be entitled to know who is on benefits? It's us that pay for it, after all.


Whether the public are entitled to know who is on benefits or not, why would it even matter? What use is such information to a member of the public?

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Why would anyone really care about what the neighbours may think anyway?


When my dad got a blue badge I dont recall people pointing and/or laughing and tutting at it

because it was before they brought in the nosy what are you doing? thats not right mentality?

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