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Happy Independence Day!

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Gosh, I need to check back here more frequently. ;)


Thanks Phan, it's good to know not everyone here hates me. :hihi:


Well then, I will add Waldo to the long list of folks I need to meet if I come to Sheffield. Ashamed to admit I've been saying that for nearly TEN YEARS. Gah!


I've always said, I find you Sheffield folk fascinating. And by all means, if you do come to California, I'd love to show you around. Really. :)

You've always been the very best ambassador for our country on this forum, much more tolerant than I or others I won't name. My wife and I repeated what we have done for 35 years every July 4th. We spent the day at the house in western Connecticut with the family who matched us up in 1980. All the little kids from then have little kids of their own now.
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Aah, so sorry, I was away this year.


Happy Independence Day to all our American posters. You did the right thing in 1776, and you've got the Scots and Welsh at it too (although it took a couple of hundred years for us hidebound europeans to get the drift) - just the English who need to declare themselves independent of the Empire now and job's a good 'un.


Hope you all had a good one!


Thank you Phan my friend! Here I was thinking you'd forgot. ;)


Our fourth was quiet this year.


Oooh! Neighbors are having a party! :)


They didn't invite us. :(


At least they're playing some rockin' tunes. For once. :)


Some of their guests are drunkenly singing along. :(


When it gets dark, we join everyone else outside to watch fireworks. :)


Too cheap to buy them ourselves and too lazy to get in the car and drive to local stadium to watch professionals blow things up :(


Neighbor kids with what sounds like M-80's, Bic lighters and inattentive parents. :(


It was a nice day anyway. Doesn't this just about sum things up? Heh.

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You've always been the very best ambassador for our country on this forum, much more tolerant than I or others I won't name. My wife and I repeated what we have done for 35 years every July 4th. We spent the day at the house in western Connecticut with the family who matched us up in 1980. All the little kids from then have little kids of their own now.


Thanks buck. I think I'm not so tolerant sometimes, but I do try. I haven't bitten anyone's face off lately. :D

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Fireworks are strictly prohibited in the town where I live. The police department even put up signs stating zero tolerance for anyone caught using them inside city limits.



The neighboring town allows them and from our house on a hill we can see the park in the distance where everyone goes to let them off. Quite a sight when night comes and it goes on from around 7:30 PM.

to midnight

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To all our cousins on the other side of the pond, congratulations on 238 years of independence from your former colonial overlords.


Enjoy your day!


What a nice gesture, Phanerothyme. This whole thread makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and welcome. I don't post much anymore but I never stopped reading the forum. I simply must keep up with Sheffield happenings and SF folks. Have a wonderful summer!

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What a nice gesture, Phanerothyme. This whole thread makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and welcome. I don't post much anymore but I never stopped reading the forum. I simply must keep up with Sheffield happenings and SF** folks. Have a wonderful summer!

** So more Sheffield Forum and less San Francisco, then?

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