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Just what do they mean by your five a day?

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I'm rather puzzled by this 5 a day business when it comes to diet.


I have absolutely no idea how close I've got to my 5 a day. I would appreciate comments or even other folkd diet over the past few days with their opinion on how they have got on.


You need to calm down.






Large tomato


All sorted, what is there to be confused about.:huh:

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Don't think of it as a strict requirement or eating manual, the main reason behind the '5 a day' is to get those on a diet of just chips and beefburgers getting some intake of fresh fruit and veg. Don't threat if your not sure if your eating the exact portions as the guidelines suggest, if everyone ate say an apple and banana a day and cut out a chocolate bar we would be slightly better off.

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Does 5 pints of cider count as your five a day ?


Its made from Apples afterall.


Here's the thing. You knock up a lasagne for a family of 5.


Start with a kilo of mince. Stick in a big onion, a few herbs, mushrooms and a tin of tomatoes. Pop 10 sheets of pasta on that and top off with Bechamel sauce and cheese.


Serve yourself one portion and it is probably one of your 5 a day. However the healthy option would be to sit on the kitchen floor with a big spoon and wolf the whole lot yourself. That would be 5 portions. So gluttony is healthy.

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