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There is a Sickness in the Land.

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Extreme sexual deviancy isnt about sex, it is about power over those you are deviating with.

Hence the posibility of those attracted to power being "more" likely to exhibit deviant tastes.


Homosexuality isn't and never was deviant though.


So MPs were probably just representing a normal cross section of the populace.

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That's a very good point. With police resources as scarce as they are, every enquiry into historical abuse is costing hundreds of thousands of pounds that might be better spent on preventing abuse happening today.


Many of the right have suggested that while police are obsessed with historical abuse cases, gangs of Asian men are abusing young girls today but nothing is being done as the police are frightened of being labelled racist by the PC brigade. I'd suggest that this is a greater priority than going after ageing 1970s entertainers.


Firstly your assertion that 'nothing is being done' is self evidently false.

Secondly you appear to under the misguided notion that it's a case of either investigating historical cases or current ones. That's what's known as a false dichotomy.


So apart from both your main points being clearly incorrect, great post.

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No doubt it was wrong Mister M, I just think that this is all turning a bit too much into a media circus. If the media paid the same attention to the victims of grooming and human trafficking that is occurring today as they did for these so called "stars" than they could actually contribute to fixing a drama that is happening right now, instead they all settle for the easy stories that sell because "famous".


I also agree.

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Notihng like a bit of over the top scare-mongering on a Sunday afternoon.

The OP seems to be implying that kiddly-fiddlers are around it such numbers, that by definition it could hardly be classed as a deviant perversion.

Are you really being serious ?.

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1) The vast majority of sexual abusers operate within their own family and circle of friends. Pillorying strangers,even high profile ones, helps to avoid this uncomfortable fact.


2) Why is this subject specifically relevant to Sheffield?

I too believe that most abusers start with their own families, especially children, and the reason why I KNOW is because I have locked them up, and then been confronted by attempts to sabotage the cases, and when that has failed, making threats against me and my family. By whom ?, by senior police officers.


---------- Post added 07-07-2014 at 18:41 ----------


There's a paedophile on every street?!? There's only 2 houses on my street! Should I be worried?


You are not obliged to say anything but anything you do say may be given in evidence.


---------- Post added 07-07-2014 at 18:47 ----------


Im not trying to belittle the possibility of child-abuse, but I do think that publicising riduculous rants like the OP have a negative effect on a serious issue.

Anyone with any sense knows such posts are way over the top, and the danger is that such things make "everything over the top", a bit like the boy who cried wolf; people stop listening.

Im just glad Im not a paediatricain in his local area ;)

Are you really saying that concern about incest and rape of little children is over the top and negative ?.


---------- Post added 07-07-2014 at 18:51 ----------


Yes, but I know you cannot be after reading the OP.
Everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions, mine are the result of investigating the most horrific cases of child abuse, where do you claim yours came from ?.


---------- Post added 07-07-2014 at 19:05 ----------


A 12 years old girl, bred and born in Sheffield, was sold by her father for £2,000, to a pimp. She was put into care, but the pimp was allowed to collect her and take her to places like Norwich and Ipswich for purpose of prostitution. Subsequently, she collected a lot of unpaid fines. She was brought into my office in 1985, when I was working as a paralegal, by her social worker with the unpaid fine summonses. The courts had threatened to imprison the girl, who was then fifteen, if she didn't pay the arrears. I briefed counsel to inform the juvenile court that it would be sanctioning the continued abuse of that child by its threats, and really should be reporting the pimp to the police and offering full and proper protection to the girl. They agreed, and wiped the fines from the record. Why was it necessary for the court to be told its duty ?. If anyone can answer that, I would be very interested to hear from you.


The mixed reception to my 'essay' proves the point that I am trying to make, and that is we seem to be more 'concerned' about 'more important things', and after reading some comments made, I suggest that the most important is self interest.

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This country is rancid, with child molesters in the media, TV, parliament as well as the general public. We have the papers bugging our phones and paying off coppers for info. We have been in a situation where an aussie media tycoon decided who our prime minister would be. Right at the very top of the establishment the people are as bent as nine bob notes, wanting to preach and make laws for the masses but the same laws don't apply to them. Fiddling their expenses, fiddling with children, taking back handers, getting coppers to turn a blind eye to their crimes, coppers taking back handers from journo's and making stories up about politicians and have the arrogance to think they can get away with it.

Or is it rancid? Maybe it's a country That is at last waking up and leading the world in this because whatever your opinion, we are not the only country with these problems, far, far from it.



I like this post. On the money I think.



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Hello Cyclone. Homosexuality is no longer illegal, and when it was, if in private, who would know ?. I have never regarded it as deviant, but certainly illegal when used to groom young people. Sexual intercourse, buggery, etc. etc. when involving children, is illegal and anyone arguing for it to be legalised as happened a few years ago, should be put on the register for life. Children need protecting from all things which we, the non-deviants, decide they need. We base our views and opinions on experience as children ourselves, parents, brothers, sisters, and family life, and the norms and values of a civilized society. It took from time immemorial to make homosexuality acceptable in society, and that represents development of our norms and values, and our understanding. I make this 'bold' statement as a 'truism' and dare anyone to argue otherwise. It is very wrong to compare the debate I have raised with what is socially and legally acceptable, for to do so is to open it up to the unthinkable. I'm sure that you didn't intend to do that.

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Can you answer any of these questions?


There is a Sickness in the Land.


By ‘Concerned’.


The sickness to which I refer is ‘paedophilia’, a cancer which is threatening to invade every corner of our country, the tentacles of which reaching into every level of our society. Estimates as high as 25% of all children have fallen victim to the blight, (B.B.C. Breakfast 3rd July, 2014).

And how have they made this estimate?

It sounds ludicrously high to me. We've all been children, so did 1 in 4 of our friends 'fall victim'?


I ask, ‘is there anything more important than protecting our children against monsters ?’

Well, you have to keep the real risk in perspective don't you. There are many important things in life.



The answer to that question is not so straightforward. First of all we have to understand it, and that means understanding every aspect of it, including the filthy rotten practitioners of paedophilia along with protecting our children and grandchildren from them. Propaganda that changed our attitudes to drink driving, smoking, alcohol and drug addiction, has got to be used to educate and inform us all. Only then can we look in the mirror and decide if we are concerned enough to stop it.

Drink driving was socially acceptable, so was smoking. Are you trying to claim that paedophilia is socially acceptable, and that the public view needs changing? Because if so, I think you're wrong, nobody thinks it's acceptable, no propaganda is needed.


I know from dealing with it that nothing less than a total change of public perception of ‘it’ will begin the process of safeguarding our children.

How so. Given that the public are already totally against paedophilia. What change needs to happen?

Paedophiles take


advantage of our ignorance of them, they thrive and multiply in our ignorance just like the rats, they are bringing and spreading the disease amongst us.

What ignorance?


Most paedophiles are regarded as ‘Protected Species’ amongst those professionals who are tasked to rid us of them

What? I mean, what does this even mean?

, and so we have to tackle their protection first or we will be wasting our time. They don’t have a capital P stamped on their foreheads, they seem to be just like everyone else, neighbourly, friendly, good drinking buddies, it’s what they do in private that separates them from ‘everyone else’. Non-Paedophile teachers, lecturers, social workers, police officers, local and central government politicians, lawyers, etc. the list is endless, can spot the signs of abuse in children. They seem remote from other children, quiet and distant, deep in thought, have you ever seen them laughing as they play with other children ?.

And all these people are already expected to, and capable of, reporting if they see behaviour that is unusual.


Most paedophiles were abused as children, and pass it on to their own. If you suspect that a child is being abused, report it to the N.S.P.C.C. or Childline, if you are afraid to give your name, report it nevertheless using ‘Concerned’ or something else.

People already do this.

This is the first step, but remember, you’ve only passed the buck, nothing more. Ladies, you know if there’s something wrong in the house, face the possibility that it could be something so dreadful that you have ignored it for long enough.
Are you accusing all fathers of being paedophiles, or just some?


Paedophiles, like all other psychopaths, can lie so convincingly that most will believe anything they say, but you know don’t you ?. Do something about it or stay awake at night.

If they can lie as well as you say, then how does someone "know"?

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