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There is a Sickness in the Land.

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Hello Cyclone. Homosexuality is no longer illegal, and when it was, if in private, who would know ?. I have never regarded it as deviant, but certainly illegal when used to groom young people. Sexual intercourse, buggery, etc. etc. when involving children, is illegal and anyone arguing for it to be legalised as happened a few years ago, should be put on the register for life. Children need protecting from all things which we, the non-deviants, decide they need. We base our views and opinions on experience as children ourselves, parents, brothers, sisters, and family life, and the norms and values of a civilized society. It took from time immemorial to make homosexuality acceptable in society, and that represents development of our norms and values, and our understanding. I make this 'bold' statement as a 'truism' and dare anyone to argue otherwise. It is very wrong to compare the debate I have raised with what is socially and legally acceptable, for to do so is to open it up to the unthinkable. I'm sure that you didn't intend to do that.


Could your confused ramblings be summed up as "I'm right and everybody who disagrees with me must be a paedo themselves"?

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There are men who would never sexually abuse a child in person, yet see nothing wrong in viewing porn featuring small children. It seems totally beyond their understanding that every image means a child has suffered at the hands of a 'real' paedophile.


I just don't know how it can be got through to them.

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I am convinced that most people have a "KINK" that if everyone who had a sexual "deviation" had blue noses the world would be full of blue noses.


Its the type of KINK that is worrying.


If a masochist meets a sadist is that a recipe for happiness?


If Michelangelo had been straight the Cysteine chapel would have two coats of gloss.


We seem to accept the KINK Gay, Lesbian, even Transgender although the latter seems drastic to me.


Can we ever forgive the Peado? If his/her brain is wired in this way do we should we punish or medicate?


I feel I am going mad thinking about.

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I doubt that homosexual people consider it to be a kink, but the key difference whether it is or isn't is consent. Children can't consent to sexual relationships, we consider it abuse. Most things that are consensual between adults, no matter what everyone else thinks about it, are (and should be) legal. With possibly a few limits, such as you can't consent to be killed and eaten! (That would be a pretty extreme kink, but it's been in the news a few times).

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I am convinced that most people have a "KINK" that if everyone who had a sexual "deviation" had blue noses the world would be full of blue noses.


Its the type of KINK that is worrying.


If a masochist meets a sadist is that a recipe for happiness?


If Michelangelo had been straight the Cysteine chapel would have two coats of gloss.


We seem to accept the KINK Gay, Lesbian, even Transgender although the latter seems drastic to me.


Can we ever forgive the Peado? If his/her brain is wired in this way do we should we punish or medicate?


I feel I am going mad thinking about.

It's an interesting question, and one I have considered in various forms over he years. We have no control over who we are sexually attracted to, be it opposite sex, same sex, children or even animals. What we can control is whether we act upon our urges.


Fortunately we live in a society where most consensual relations are accepted so, for example, homosexuals no longer have to resist their natural inclinations or risk prison for expressing their sexuality. Society has deemed that sex with minors (hebephilia, peadophia) is abhorrent and illegal. This is good news for children, not so good for hebe and peadophiles who either have to resist their sexuality or give in and risk being caught with all that entails.


For those who resist, I pity. They are doomed to live their life sexually attracted to those they can never touch. For those who don't, I despise.



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