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The Katie Hopkins syndrome.

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who is Katie Hopkins?





Until a few posts ago I thought it was some kind of general term for these people.

Didn't realise she was an actual person.


Some kind of Daily Mail/Sun/Mirror commenter or something??

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she says things that some people don't like and their only recourse is abuse.


I can definitely relate to that. I guess some people don't know how to express themselves in a professional manner when their world views are challenged.

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That's the whole point of a social commentator, to provoke a reaction. What gives you the right to determine whether she has anything worthwhile to say?

We all have the right to judge that and even to share our opinion about it if we like.


Oh and isn't it a bit sexist to describe a woman who speaks up in public as a whore?


"Attention whore", not "whore".


Quite different phrases really, a man could just as easily be an attention whore.

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That's the whole point of a social commentator, to provoke a reaction. What gives you the right to determine whether she has anything worthwhile to say?


Oh and isn't it a bit sexist to describe a woman who speaks up in public as a whore?


I thought the point of a social commentator is to provide insight. Melanie Philipps and Polly Toynbee from different political perspectives do. Katie Hopkins doesn't.

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Katie Hopkins is a vile person who wants putting out to pasture. Can't stand this excuse of a woman.


See her talking a load of old crap


Is your name Tyler by any chance? :)


But seriously, Katie is just saying that in general, she wants her children to be associated with likeminded well to do families. Nothing wrong with that, personal preference. In the bigger picture, she is right to do that, we all become who we associate with on a regular basis. So it makes sense to steer your children in the right direction which is to surround them with the most upper class people as you can. it's a time old strategy. It's really no big deal. She just came out and said it that's all.

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Is your name Tyler by any chance? :)


But seriously, Katie is just saying that in general, she wants her children to be associated with likeminded well to do families. Nothing wrong with that, personal preference. In the bigger picture, she is right to do that, we all become who we associate with on a regular basis. So it makes sense to steer your children in the right direction which is to surround them with the most upper class people as you can. it's a time old strategy. It's really no big deal. She just came out and said it that's all.


really, and upper class people cant be dodgy or douches?

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really, and upper class people cant be dodgy or douches?


Of course they can, but birds of a feather like to flock together, just human nature. I would give a comparison using our city, but I won't because it might offend. But lets say that you live in an affluent part of one the few nicer post codes in Sheffield, would you want your two children playing with kids from the same nice area from the same good school, or with kids from one of the rough council estates in the northern part of the city. I mean, if we're being honest, she's not saying anything that isn't practiced every single day by all parents.

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