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The Katie Hopkins syndrome.

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Never heard of this person before.


I really can't be bothered to research any of this woman's previous or other output but to be honest I see nothing wrong the statement she made in the link provided by alchrearch.


For that matter I don't see much to disagree with in most of the comments by those commenting on her statement.


A very quick scan (2 minutes at most) of Britain First seems to show that this site may be interesting but I won't use Facebook.


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Katie Hopkins is an attention whore. Nothing else really. It's all very well to describe oneself as a social commentator (as she does), but she hasn't got anything worthwhile to say, she's just a troll and thrivesoff the controversy that she creates.

Pretty sad really.


Katie Hopkins is always on the TV or in the papers, her trolling is read by thousands of people, she gets paid well for doing it and she's done pretty well for herself.


Mister M is always on here, his trolling is read by tens of people, he doesn't get paid at all and he admits himself he's achieved very little in life.


Now who's the "pretty sad" one? :hihi:

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Forking off from another thread (didn't want to go off-topic)...




In fact, this is something of a trend in human society. If you say something of value, something considered and intelligent; hardly anyone pays attention to you.


However, if you say something inane, carefully designed to be controversial, you get all the attention under the sun.


It's the Katie Hopkins syndrome! Does anyone else notice this?

Yep, Jezza Clarkson has made a career from it
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Katie Hopkins is always on the TV or in the papers, her trolling is read by thousands of people, she gets paid well for doing it and she's done pretty well for herself.


Mister M is always on here, his trolling is read by tens of people, he doesn't get paid at all and he admits himself he's achieved very little in life.


Now who's the "pretty sad" one? :hihi:


If I always seem to be on here Rickie it's because I only post under the name of Mister M. You on the other hand seem to have quite a few alter egos.

Okay I'm single & and not wealthy, Katie Hopkins is partnered and wealthy. So what? I have a job I enjoy, friends and family, a roof over my head, and good health. I'd rather have a bit more integrity and humanity than someone who is paid a lot of money to say vile things about other people. At least I don't have to look over my shoulder when I go to the shops, unlike Hopkins.

But I can see why you admire her - being paid all that money to be vile.....And here you are doing what comes naturally to you for no reward. No wonder you always come across as bitter.

I don't mind that you think I'm sad, I'd be more worried if you liked me.

At least I don't have to tread on other people to make myself feel better. Now that's sad!

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Of course they can, but birds of a feather like to flock together, just human nature. I would give a comparison using our city, but I won't because it might offend. But lets say that you live in an affluent part of one the few nicer post codes in Sheffield, would you want your two children playing with kids from the same nice area from the same good school, or with kids from one of the rough council estates in the northern part of the city. I mean, if we're being honest, she's not saying anything that isn't practiced every single day by all parents.


It doesn't matter whether you are brought up in Dore or Whirlow or Parson Cross or the Manor, if the children are brought up to show respect and treat people as they wish to be treated then why should they be judged just because they weren't fortunate enough to be born into a wealthy family.


Just because a certain percentage may have a bigger bank balance it doesn't make them a good person.

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If I always seem to be on here Rickie it's because I only post under the name of Mister M. You on the other hand seem to have quite a few alter egos. Okay I'm single & and not wealthy, Katie Hopkins is partnered and wealthy. So what? I have a job I enjoy, friends and family, a roof over my head, and good health. I'd rather have a bit more integrity and humanity than someone who is paid a lot of money to say vile things about other people. At least I don't have to look over my shoulder when I go to the shops, unlike Hopkins.But I can see why you admire her - being paid all that money to be vile.....And here you are doing what comes naturally to you for no reward. No wonder you always come across as bitter. I don't mind that you think I'm sad, I'd be more worried if you liked me. At least I don't have to tread on other people to make myself feel better. Now that's sad!


I wish you would post like this more often Mister, such passion and a lot of points very well made! it would appear that Rickie has brought out the best in you.


---------- Post added 08-07-2014 at 14:50 ----------


It doesn't matter whether you are brought up in Dore Whirlow or Parson Cross or the Manor


but it does, and we all know it does. Be REAL!


if the children are brought up to show respect and treat people as they wish to be treated then why should they be judged just because they weren't fortunate enough to be born into a wealthy family.


That's just how it is, I don't make the rules.


Just because a certain percentage may have a bigger bank balance it doesn't make them a good person.


Poor = good and kind, Rich = vile and evil eh? Mostly that's just rubbish but people gain comfort from the thought.

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