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Vanessa Feltz Attacked By Trolls After Revealing Rolf Harris Assault

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No one has mentioned Nolan cause she doesnt make a living from media explotation.



Give over will you, Nolan isn't attacked because she isn't fat, according to matty and co. It takes someone even more depraved and perverted like Harris to even consider Feltz as a would be victim.


It's a bit like the misogynists saying "Feltz touched up by Rolf? In her dreams".

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Why didn't she come forward before the trial. It does come across as waiting for the verdict in order to get a free hit.


She did. That's why the Police contacted her after all these years, since she originally reported it. No difference from all those victims who were pushed aside during the Saville scandal. When the police finally did decide to do something about it, prior to the Harris court case, guess what? They couldn't get their act together in time for the court case.


Haven't you listen to her comments in her own words in the link provided earlier in this thread #14? No thought not.

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Why didn't she come forward before the trial. It does come across as waiting for the verdict in order to get a free hit.


See my first post for the link to her interview in the Express from Sunday. Due to the details of the case, she may not have legally been allowed to discuss her assault. The law is bit annoying like that.


She never reported it herself, former colleagues forwarded on the information to the police, along with a copy of the interview. Like most victims of sexual assault, she couldnt believe it had happened to her and felt she had dealt with what had happened. She didnt want to reopen old wounds.


The police did review the evidence handed over and confirmed her side of the story, though it wasnt used as evidence in his trial - nor was he prosecuted for his attack on her

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Has it occurred to Feltz that if she'd reported this alleged attack in 1996 then it might have prevented Rolf Harris from going on to abuse other girls? By not using her powerful media position to expose him she's effectively been complicit in the whole affair and should be ashamed of herself.

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Has it occurred to Feltz that if she'd reported this alleged attack in 1996 then it might have prevented Rolf Harris from going on to abuse other girls? By not using her powerful media position to expose him she's effectively been complicit in the whole affair and should be ashamed of herself.


and has it occurred to you that its deeply personal and hard to talk about? even think about?

nope, thought not :roll:

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