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Vanessa Feltz Attacked By Trolls After Revealing Rolf Harris Assault

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Why don't you tell us what she actually said if you're so obsessed with defending her? I don't have the facility to play audio clips here and even if I had, any more than 30 seconds of Feltz's voice would be enough to put anyone on edge!


Cop-out, I rest my case.

I'll add you to my Trool/Ignore list. Bye-Bye.

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So you can't be bothered to tell us what she said? I think you're the one copping out!


why should she? she gave you the information, use it, seems to be one of the rights many weapons, either playing dumb, or the why should I you show me arguement

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why should she? she gave you the information, use it, seems to be one of the rights many weapons, either playing dumb, or the why should I you show me arguement


If you'd bothered to read my post I said I can't listen to audio clips on my PC so I simply asked poppet2 for a brief written summary of Feltz's excuses.

The fact poppet2 couldn't be bothered suggests she's just a typical troll who we're all best off ignoring.

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I think that if i was sexually assaulted the last thing on my mind would be to go to the papers.


But this is the way that people like Feltz live their lives. Its natural for them.


If i was a victim of the Harris trial i would be angry at her for turning it into a circus for her own PR gain.

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The answer to that question, in her own words is in this link during the first 5 minutes.


Let us know your response, if you can bother to tune in, or are you like most Trolls, just trying to inflame the topic and not in the slightest bit interested in the facts first hand?



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I think that if i was sexually assaulted the last thing on my mind would be to go to the papers.


But this is the way that people like Feltz live their lives. Its natural for them.


If i was a victim of the Harris trial i would be angry at her for turning it into a circus for her own PR gain.


I agree. And if I'd been attacked after 1996 I'd be furious with Feltz for saying nothing when she could have prevented further attacks by speaking up.

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Why don't you tell us what she actually said if you're so obsessed with defending her? I don't have the facility to play audio clips here and even if I had, any more than 30 seconds of Feltz's voice would be enough to put anyone on edge!


Again, the Express article has her side of the story written out. No need to listen to audio


“I had extricated myself from a serious sexual assault but he was still trying to be in control. After the interview I rushed off to the dressing room without speaking to him.


“I felt a mixture of anger and confusion. At the time I did not even *consider going to the police. I did not think anyone would believe me against the great Rolf Harris.

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