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Thursday Strike Action - megathread

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Did you read my post? I told you where I got the original figure. I think I have more of an understanding of statistics than you do. Taking the overall average is distorted by the extreme high earners which of course is going to be much higher in the private sector. The figure of 8% and 13% is from the ONS statistics which you hold in such high regard and to my mind are the most relevant to the people I heard out protesting today.


But I don't think you are really interested in arguing the facts its more of an 'admit you are wrong and I am right' excercise for you isn't it? Go on admit I'm right.

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Guest sibon
What do you call a living wage?


I can live on a fiver a day....I dont but I could do.


Id guess you are thinknig of about £25k a year or so


It isn't what I call a living wage, it is what is considered to be a living wage.


I guess that you are a bit of a poor qualtitiy troll.:rolleyes:


---------- Post added 11-07-2014 at 00:19 ----------


Did you read my post? I told you where I got the original figure. I think I have more of an understanding of statistics than you do. Taking the overall average is distorted by the extreme high earners which of course is going to be much higher in the private sector. The figure of 8% and 13% is from the ONS statistics which you hold in such high regard and to my mind are the most relevant to the people I heard out protesting today.


But I don't think you are really interested in arguing the facts its more of an 'admit you are wrong and I am right' excercise for you isn't it? Go on admit I'm right.



You are clearly a statistical genius. I cede to you.


Mostly because I'm bored of you and everyone else who reads this thread will be able to make their own minds up.


I have faith that most of them have more open and enquiring minds than you. Some of them will be able to do basic maths too:rolleyes:

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Haven't all the studies thant normalise for age, qualifications, hours etc found public sector workers get paid on average 8-10% more than their private sector rivals (who raise the funds to pay for the public sector). Factor in the much better pensions and public sector workers really are the lucky ones.


Again look at what you wrote you were doing a straight comparison between public and private sector. I doubt whether the teachers and firemen that were on strike were all in the bottom 5% more likley they were in the other 95%.


If you want to ignore that 95% i.e the vast majority of the public sector, then you are really stating isnt it terrible the public sector cleaner gets paid 50p an hour more than a private sector cleaner/care worker. Whooohooo what a scandal. What a cushy life they have. In reality they will both end up getting tax credits anyway to equalise their salaries.


Taking the overall average is distorted by the extreme high earners which of course is going to be much higher in the private sector.
Lol its an average. You are now saying the reason the figure is higher is because wages are higher in the private sector. Genius.



in April 2013 it is estimated that on average the pay of the public sector was between 1.3% and 2.4% lower than the private sector.
Is the direct comparison that the ONS does between public and private sector.


The point was you made the first figures up you were spouting and then when we provided with you with the actual figures you didnt understand them and then tried to twist them, when that didnt work you then tried to pretend your argument was something else all along by pretending you were only ever interested in the bottom 5% of workers.


I am not too concerned with the public/private sector deabte i just dislike people who try and mislead others with stats or fail to understand what might be a reasonable interpretation of them.

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Guest sibon
ahhh lose any point and the Troll word comes out to play :)


I really cant see the difference between the minimum wage and the "living wage" pound a hour is hardly gonna make a lot of diffrence is it.


You're as obvious now as you ever were. So, yes, the troll claim is justified.


A pound an hour is £8 per day. £40 per week. £160 per month. If it really is so insignificant, then we could and should expect all responsible employers to pay it. That would be a leap forward.

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You're bored? That's great. I imagine you often get bored when you have no salient points to make, thanks for stopping by anyway.


Before you go though please enlighten me on the basic Maths error.




---------- Post added 11-07-2014 at 00:46 ----------


Incidentally, Gerald Sibon , I completely agree with you about the issue of low private sector pay and tax credits benefiting high earners in the private sector. That doesn't change the fact the spokespeople out today were saying their low paid workers should get a living wage and that their pay lagged behind that of the private sector which is patently untrue.

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No-one in the public sector retires at 50? Public sector pensions are ridiculously generous, compared to the pensions that people paying for the public sector get. This is wrong, and needs to be changed.


Is that right? Sorry don't think so. I've worked for DWP for nearly 37 years and I can assure you my pension ain't gonna be gold plated nor could I have retired at 50 and lived off it. And now even less chance I could live off it.


And no we don't get 2/3rds of our salary as a pension - that's total tripe!


---------- Post added 11-07-2014 at 02:49 ----------


Interesting question. I wonder what % figure they want?

I'd guess they would want something above inflation, which brings its own problems.

I dont think it will cost you anything in tax rises because 1. they wont get it and 2. they would use an increase from tax revenues due to the recovery.


Im not saying the low paid arent low paid, but the difficulty you have rewarding the low paid is that it upsets everyone else above because of differentials.


The strikes play right into government hands.



What % do we want? Let's put it this way I'm a middle manager and my 1% increase comes to less than £5 a week. Lower grade staff get less . We've had no pay increments for years. I should be at the max for my grade by now and not even half way up the pay scale after 13 years in my grade. That £5 a week doesn't even cover my fares due to increases and am paying a lot more towards my so called gold plated pension.


My take home pay even with my 1% rise is less now than it was in 2009 due to my gold plated pension contributions which doesn't come close to 1/3rd never mind 2/3rds . We do have to pay for this mega reward out of our wages btw. Oh and I can't have it til I'm 62 which is two years later than I signed up for but since I won't get my state pension til I'm 66 and they're pushing the retirement age up towards the 70 mark, that's OK. No it damn well isn't!


Not hard to do the maths and see why we're all fed up! Sorry if the public were inconvenienced (I was) but it's time this stopped and we all get paid a living wage - especially those who get less than me. I don't get tax credits so no drain on the welfare state.Not cos I earn loads - I don't - but I'm in the bracket that always just doesn't quite qualify for anything. Those who put up with all sorts of abuse for trying to do their jobs and earn a lot less than me deserve better. Anyone who is a consumer of public services deserves better but you won't get it unless you have people to do it. Less of us might in some ways to some be a good thing but give us infrastructure like IT that works properly and that might just work. Until then, don't denigrate us for simply asking for a decent living wage and please let's dispell this myth we have some pot of gold waiting for us when we retire. There is no pot of gold at the end of rainbows and sure as hell isn't when we escape!

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How do you know that?


Im not one of those that ramble on in stream of conscious style endless prose about how the world is so, so bad.

I just get on with living in it the best I can...

Thats good advice to the conspiracy dreamers and the eternal-student lefties out there still fighting 30 year old wars :D


I read your posts and judge accordingly.


---------- Post added 11-07-2014 at 07:11 ----------


ahhh lose any point and the Troll word comes out to play :)


I really cant see the difference between the minimum wage and the "living wage" pound a hour is hardly gonna make a lot of diffrence is it.


You are not doing yourself many favours here!

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Again link us up if you are going to use stats so we cna see where you got them from and whether you are using them fairly and not misleading us.


The 14.5% came from here. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-26512643


Public sector workers are paid on average 14.5% more than those in the private sector, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).


In 2013, average hourly earnings in the public sector were £16.28 an hour, compared to the average £14.16 among private employees.


I would have expected the private sector average pay to be better than it is because those figures will contain the wages of footballers, pop stars, business owners., I would think the top 10% of all earners are in the private sector, and they aren't very representative of the average private sector workers wage.



The 22% drop in wage is the realty of moving from a public sector job after being made redundant, to an equivalent private sector job.

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