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Thursday Strike Action - megathread

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No. Somebody who works for 40 hours a week really should be able to feed,clothe and house themselves without recourse to benefits.


It is absolutely MaccyD's (sic) responsibility to pay their staff properly. They should do this before remunerating their executives.


Does anyone on £252 a week even get any benefits and who can't feed, clothe and house themselves on that amount of money, after tax its still £228 a week.


£53 a week for accommodation in Sheffield city center.

Deluxe Studio Apartment everything included (inclusive of electricity bill, water bill and unlimited broadband 24/7). Conveniently situated in the city centre. This new concept in accommodation and living provides you with secure and serviced accommodation. Each fully furnished self, contained studio has a private shower room and private kitchen.


Food for one for one week, £70 and that's very generous.


Leaving them £105 a week for everything else.

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Private shower and private kitchen? What are you on?


Its means they don't have to share a shower room or Kitchen with other residents, but if you are are willing to share then its possible to find accommodation which is cheaper than £53 a week.

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I have no idea why the ONS think a public sector cleaner, admin assistant, clerical worker, road sweeper, gardener, payroll clerk, ect. ect. requires more skills and qualifications than a private sector counterparts, maybe they are just twisting the figures because they are public sector workers, or these highly paid jobs attract many applicants and the people with degrees are selected even though a degree is unnecessary and the other applicant could just as easily do the job.


Twisting the figures down even more just because they tend to big employers is laughable.


What I do know is that my partner couldn't get close to the wage she used to get before she was made redundant, the equivalent private sector jobs are paying thousands of pounds a year less and allow fewer holidays.


Sorry Bob, but now you are being really dense and clearly do not understand the article you linked. It isn't about right or wrong, for or against. Compare like with like, which you seem unable to comprehend.


Its all very well saying your partner couldnt get close to the job she had in the public sector, but thats one person out of millions. It also happens in the private sector that you can lose a job and never get back to earning as much again.


I cnat say im overly concerned whether an individual gets paid more in the public or private sector. People are free to apply for either if they think the grass is greener. Its annoying to see people use figures in a simplistic and ultimately misleading way.

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Oh no! How will we cope for 24 hours without a load of penpushers and jobsworths shuffling papers around and having pointless meetings?


I've worked for the Council - I know just how pointless much of the work people do there is.


Most of us will be working because most of us know that we are lucky to have well paid jobs with good working conditions, and I for one don't understand what the strikers think they will achieve.

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Well said Savannahp. I have a feeling that those people who aren't striking are probably the people who are good at their job. From my time in the public sector I found the tollpuddle martyrs were generally the hard done by lazy whingers (IMHO of course).


999tigger and Sibon please stop with the unnecessary personal insults it's not nice and doesn't add anything worthwhile.

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