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Limitations with sight being allowed to drive

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Am intrigued with this as my husband also had a stroke a couple of months ago which left him with loss of peripheral vision from his right eye. He voluntarily gave up his driving licence as he considers that he would be a liability on the road. Whilst our G.P. gave a cursory nod at this decision, no-one has ever fully explained the situation to us. If his loss of vision is sufficient to stop him driving, should he be registered partially-sighted?

Good luck to anyone who feels they can drive with sight from only one eye, though I find it difficult to understand how they cope.



I have had a very lazy eye since birth, it's about as useful as a chocolate fireguard. The other eye is 100% spot on. I drove HGV's until I retired, no accidents in 30 years. And had the pleasure to shoot clay targets for my country 5 times. Serious hand and eye coordination required to do this.


I often wonder how folk with two good eyes manage, and I find it difficult to understand how they cope.:help::huh::thumbsup:



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