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How much is the government allowed to know?

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And today they announce they're trying to limit the powers of the European Court Of Human Rights.


Nope they aren't limiting ECHR powers, they are completely withdrawing from the ECHR and setting up a British Bill of Rights.




Now naively we would expect this to do away with all those pesky rules that make us have straight bananas and stop us deporting undesirables and little else.


But strangely, considering the bill has already had it's first reading, there's no on line copy telling us precisely which ECHR rules and regulations are being left out of the British Bill of Rights or indeed which new rights are being included.


I mean there's little point in having a BBR if it gives us the same rights as the ECHR is there.


Anyone care to guess whether the BBR will make unwarranted mass surveillance of the entire population completely legal and above board by removing every ones right to privacy as far as GCHQ is concerned, in addition to the straight banana and deporting of the undesirables bits ?

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It is stupid to say animals can't survive without a farmer but as long as the famer gives them what they need in return for providing the farmer with a living I think everyone can be happy.

I'd rather be a free range chicken protected from the foxes rather than a free chicken on my own

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I like GLASGOWMAN's attitude.

Why be concerned if one has nothing to hide.

P.S. I prefer Orwell's ANIMAL FARM.


How about being concerned about having to explain, and prove, to some officious bureaucrat that you have nothing to hide?


How about the 'system' making a mistake and confusing you with someone else?


How about identity theft where someone else, using your stolen identity commits a criminal offence and you are charged?


In a country which lays claim to being 'Free' no normal citizen should be questioned by the authorities without a sound logical, acceptable reason.


If you 'have nothing to hide' and are a genuine innocent person then you should be able to go about your day to day business without having to answer to anybody.


Obviously, you seem to have no problem with being stopped, searched and questioned at random, by anyone with an official position who feels like it on a whim.


Not what my parents generation fought against, in fact very much like what would have been imposed if they had been unsuccessful.

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I like GLASGOWMAN's attitude.

Why be concerned if one has nothing to hide.

P.S. I prefer Orwell's ANIMAL FARM.


Why not ask the millions of Russians, Chinese and East Germans that question?

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I like GLASGOWMAN's attitude.

Why be concerned if one has nothing to hide.

P.S. I prefer Orwell's ANIMAL FARM.


Great book Animal Farm. Shows how easy it is to become even more oppressed in the chase for freedom. The way you use it in this statement I am fairly sure you haven't understood the meaning of Animal Farm at all.

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It is stupid to say animals can't survive without a farmer but as long as the famer gives them what they need in return for providing the farmer with a living I think everyone can be happy.

I'd rather be a free range chicken protected from the foxes rather than a free chicken on my own


Wild pigs on the other hand do quite well and don't have a guaranteed date under the grill as bacon just as they reach the prime of their life.

Still prefer to be in the farm?


---------- Post added 23-07-2014 at 08:10 ----------


Why be concerned if one has nothing to hide.


The question has been answered multiple times over. Did you try reading the thread?

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...Why be concerned if one has nothing to hide...
Remember the MP's expenses scandal ?


Remember how MP's fought tooth and nail to only release the figures after they'd been redacted into uselessness with big black lines through names and figures ?


Remember how a whistleblower leaked the information ?


Information which turned out to be in the public interest and revealed some of the people charged with making laws, were actually breaking them.


Do you think they'd have leaked that information if they knew that the government would be able to trace them ?


I'd like to think they would still have leaked the information as it was the right thing to do.


But knowing your career would be over if you were found out and that you would definitely be traced because of a logged phone call to a journalists number or an email to wikileaks, would give most people cause to pause.


If you don't have the information you can't hold the authorities to account, and the authorities monitoring everyone 'just in case' stifles access to such information.

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