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How much is the government allowed to know?

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if you don't like it why don't you just leave the country :huh:


Are you dim or just trying to be funny?

Have you read the book 1984?

We are moving closer to an Orwellian state under the pretence of safeguarding us from terrorism.

The govt is using the terrorism card to sneak in snooping laws, wake up and get you face out of that cereal bowl. :hihi:

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While ever the left like big invasive governemnt what do you expect?


You do realise that the latest invasion of our privacy has been enacted under a Tory/Lib government?


Has it escaped your attention that all politicians of whatever persuasion will always grab as much power as they can, and disregard the public's rights whenever the opportunity presents itself ?

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I do on both counts

That is why the Government should be restricted in its powers....to say, making roads and running some stripped down sort of NHS

We asa country should be able to do what we wish not what we are told by them.

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The way I see it is, if you are not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to hide.. I don't mind my information being out there and looked at if needs must.


If I am honest my life is quite boring, average! So I actually feel sorry for someone looking into all my details - must make for a very uninteresting read ;)


We live in an age where we spend a lot of time online, social sites, shopping, internet banking etc so it can't really be surprising that all our activity is logged. Of course our personal data is going to be saved and used. Freedom is a myth.


But as I said, if it means that terrorists and paedophiles are stopped in their tracks and brought to 'justice' then I really don't mind being part of the whole mixing pot.


The argument is bogus. You don't need something to hide to be entitled to privacy.

The scope for misuse of these powers is too large, and the benefit too small.

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The argument is bogus. You don't need something to hide to be entitled to privacy.

The scope for misuse of these powers is too large, and the benefit too small.


Correct, the government already knows everything and some people and bits about other people. We are all tied into the system in some form or another and people will always collect data from people and formulate it into information. It's called datamining

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You must be OK with the idea of surveillance cameras being installed in every room of your house then? After all, if you're not doing anything wrong, then you'll have nothing to hide?


No, otherwise I'd be on big brother!


And when is this coming into force??


---------- Post added 11-07-2014 at 09:38 ----------


Using whose definition of "not doing anything wrong" – yours, or those gathering information about you?


without having to point out the obvious!! :roll:


staying within the law.


I stick by what I said, our information is already there because of the digital age we live in, does it really matter if it has to be looked at in order to stop criminal activity?

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Yes, because the potential for misuse is too large and the benefit too small.


What do you mean by misused though? how can it be misused?


Sorry! that sounded abrupt... these are genuine questions that I'd like to learn more about. thanks

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What do you mean by misused though? how can it be misused?


Sorry! that sounded abrupt... these are genuine questions that I'd like to learn more about. thanks


The most obvious way would be to suppress political dissent or legitimate protest.

The government today might be benign (although given the mets behaviour targeting legitimate protest groups some might say not), but the government of tomorrow might not be.

Imagine if in the future the government wanted to suppress political dissent (ie anyone that disagreed with them), tools like this would make it much easier.


It erodes the civil freedoms we should hold dear and that we have in the past fought to achieve. And the justification is some wishy washy "it'll help us catch terrorists" argument, that when examined in detail is mostly nonsense.


---------- Post added 11-07-2014 at 10:14 ----------


Well said! :clap:

Same over here as well.


How is that well said. You don't think that you have a right to privacy? You don't think that the government or a government employee might never misuse the data available?

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The most obvious way would be to suppress political dissent or legitimate protest.

The government today might be benign (although given the mets behaviour targeting legitimate protest groups some might say not), but the government of tomorrow might not be.

Imagine if in the future the government wanted to suppress political dissent (ie anyone that disagreed with them), tools like this would make it much easier.


It erodes the civil freedoms we should hold dear and that we have in the past fought to achieve. And the justification is some wishy washy "it'll help us catch terrorists" argument, that when examined in detail is mostly nonsense.


---------- Post added 11-07-2014 at 10:14 ----------



How is that well said. You don't think that you have a right to privacy? You don't think that the government or a government employee might never misuse the data available?



I believe we have a right to privacy, absolutely I do - but how can you say that our information cannot be looked at when we live in a digital age, as I said before.. If you want privacy then don't plaster your entire life stories on the internet, or if you do, then don't be surprised or outraged if your information is used.


Also, see my bold.


I'm not referring to you personally by the way when I say plastering your life story on the internet, I just mean in general...

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