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How much is the government allowed to know?

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So the argument appears to be if this imminent court case sets a precedent then HMG will have to use more expensive methods of surveillance.


Apparently it's cheaper to monitor the entire population 24/7 rather than just monitor those individuals causing the problems.


Anyone else think there's something wrong with that.


It's also a bit of a misdirection. The alternative to monitoring everyone's communications in case they turn out to be terrorists is to monitor the communications of those who you have a reasonable suspicion of being terrorists. It doesn't require the sort of surveillance they are implying. If they have a strong suspicion of someone being a terrorist, they should already be using the expensive invasive techniques.


Perhaps if they had done a bit more proper surveillance of Adebolajo and Adebowale, who were already known to them, rather than relying on communications intercepts, Lee Rigby might still be alive.

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Here is an alleged list of the keywords which flag you as a terrorist.




Imagine if any of the above words are correct and we all add these words to the end of every post, email, FB status and message, and their system flagging us all as terrorists? -:)

Apparently if you've ever looked up TOR or TAILS then you are under ongoing NSA surveillance.



According to the story, the NSA targets anyone who searches for online articles about Tails -- like this one that we published in April, or this article for teens that I wrote in May -- or Tor (The Onion Router, which we've been posted about since 2004). Anyone who is determined to be using Tor is also targeted for long-term surveillance and retention.
Reading the article will probably add you to the list if you're not already on it.


Bit of a pest if you like science fiction books and go to http://www.tor.com/

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The bill was passed. Despite objections about an abuse of parliament.


And today they announce they're trying to limit the powers of the European Court Of Human Rights.

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And today they announce they're trying to limit the powers of the European Court Of Human Rights.


Yep, to not put too fine a point to it: Bloody Ridiculous.


A further abomination of our rights, people don't understand what is going on, they just hear the snazzy soundbites: "Oooh! we can't deport Abu Hamza due to the ECHR!!!" they don't hear about the numerous things that the ECHR has done to improve things like consumer rights, liberties, internet safety and the like. A lot of these things the UK can't sort on its own without being in the EU, nobody would take notice.


PS a good example is the German: no-blood law for video-games. The instituted it and as a result the Germans simply missed out on a lot of classic titles that became incredibly popular all around the world: Solution? Download the illegal US versions.

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Yep, to not put too fine a point to it: Bloody Ridiculous.


A further abomination of our rights, people don't understand what is going on, they just hear the snazzy soundbites: "Oooh! we can't deport Abu Hamza due to the ECHR!!!" they don't hear about the numerous things that the ECHR has done to improve things like consumer rights, liberties, internet safety and the like. A lot of these things the UK can't sort on its own without being in the EU, nobody would take notice.


PS a good example is the German: no-blood law for video-games. The instituted it and as a result the Germans simply missed out on a lot of classic titles that became incredibly popular all around the world: Solution? Download the illegal US versions.


As I've said before people in this country are too interested in their TVs and celebrities to care what is happening with their basic human rights. As long as they can watch Master Chef or Celebrity Come Get Me Out Of Here Big Brother they're happy ;)

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