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Nether Edge hospital.

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My mother was taken to Nether Edge hospital after having a minor stroke and died there a few days later Jan. 1980, From information I received recently it appears the patients were put on a bed with a rubber sheet and left without any care. Many patients were suffering from mental problems and were left to die in their own extrement according to my source


Can anybody confirm or shed any light on this report.

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My grandma was in there in the early 80's following a stroke and stayed on Lyndhurst 2 for nearly 10 months.

The service and care she received whilst in there was second to none and if I recall a couple of the nurse that cared for her actually came to the funeral.

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I worked as a volunteer on the brain injury rehab ward at Nether Edge , which ironically was the ward on which my mother later died, after I left. My grandpa was later also on lyndhurst after he had a stroke.


The wards were long-stay, as you may imagine, after brain injury/insult/trauma. As you can appreciate, the recovery can be a long road.


I never saw anything like you suggest, neither when I was there (part of my duties as pre nursing, were making patients' beds and feeding them, if they were unable to feed themselves ) nor when my mother was being cared for, and when my grandpa was in there.

The care they received was always 100% professional, always exemplary.


As a relative, I would turn up at random times (awkward shift patterns) and, if there was any pretence at caring, there's no way that the staff could have kept that up as a veneer 'just in case'...


Believe me, had I seen anything lik the sort of 'care' described, as ex nursing staff there would have been hell raised by me. There would have been no way they would have got away with that.


When my mum died, as a result of the usual complications that can arise after being paralysed, after a brain haemorrhage, the staff were so wonderful, the ward sister actually drove all the way over to my father's house to break the news to him. That's how caring they were.

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My mother was taken to Nether Edge hospital after having a minor stroke and died there a few days later Jan. 1980, From information I received recently it appears the patients were put on a bed with a rubber sheet and left without any care. Many patients were suffering from mental problems and were left to die in their own extrement according to my source


Can anybody confirm or shed any light on this report.


I have no help to offer you but I would seriously question your 'source' and how they came upon this information- is it fact or hearsay ? Accusations like the above are very serious.

Like Plain Talker I also worked at NEH as a pre nursing student in the 1970's and witnessed nothing of what your 'source' claims happened.

I also gave birth to my first 2 children in the late 80's at NEH and had wonderful care.

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I was also born in NEH.


A doctor friend and his wife were very disappointed when the NEH maternity unit closed in the early 1990s, as the wife was very happy, whith everything when she delivered their first two children there, and, after the closure, there was only the NGH ( Northern General) and JHW (jessops) to choose between.

To back up what Daven has said, above, I seriously do not think a doctor would allow his wife to be treated, repeatedly, at a hospital where the patient care struggled to be as good as sub-standard. Would you?

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I was also born in NEH.


A doctor friend and his wife were very disappointed when the NEH maternity unit closed in the early 1990s, as the wife was very happy, whith everything when she delivered their first two children there, and, after the closure, there was only the NGH ( Northern General) and JHW (jessops) to choose between.

To back up what Daven has said, above, I seriously do not think a doctor would allow his wife to be treated, repeatedly, at a hospital where the patient care struggled to be as good as sub-standard. Would you?


I have to agree PT.

When I was pregnant with our 3rd child and due to deliver in 1992 and I was not able to go to NEH I was very disappointed. He was delivered at Chesterfield Hospital in the end - a Derbyshire baby but I was very well cared for there too.

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