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Humnas arn't evolved to live on fruit only though, I think the canine teeth imply a diet involving meat dont you?


Have a look at human canine teeth- then look at the canines of a predator- compare the size of the tooth to the head.


I believe that pre-humans subsisted primarily on fruit as they lived in tropical forests, where a fruit based diet is very practical (like gorillas do in the wild).


As they evolved and moved out, fruit would not be available in sufficient quantities, so they'd subsist primarily off whatever fruit was available, vegetation and carbs, with whatever meat they could catch- much as the yanamami did till recently




meat consumption would be very low though, as it needs to be caught, which is very difficult in a forest.


---------- Post added 16-07-2014 at 10:53 ----------


But weight loss seems to be your primary criteria for declaring fruitarian to be healthy and a cure for obesity.

You need to read what I'm saying dude.


For omptimal leaness, I recommend fruitarianism. Fruitarianism is also very healthy.


I recommend atkins for nothing. Yes, it will produce a temporary unsustainable weight loss, in the process, it will butcher your health.

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I've never seen a thin gorilla either...OneWheelDave..I think you're becoming a bit too "evangelistic" about this..


Any animal that lives in a cooler climate requires a large layer of blubber. Seals, sea lions, walrus, penguins, all get fat.

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Polar bears, or just bears in general, get pretty fat.




Yes. They live in artic regions where a large amount of body fat is necessary to survive the cold.


---------- Post added 16-07-2014 at 11:54 ----------


I've never seen a thin gorilla either...OneWheelDave..I think you're becoming a bit too "evangelistic" about this..


Have you ever seen a fat gorilla in the wild, or an obese one? Gorillas are a different shape to humans- they're not fat

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Yes. They live in artic regions where a large amount of body fat is necessary to survive the cold.

Grisly bears don't, yet they get quite fat over summer. In fact it is a common trait, that of putting on fat reserves when food sources are abundant to last over the months when food is in short supply.

That is why we evolved with the ability to get fat in the first place.



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Yes. They live in artic regions where a large amount of body fat is necessary to survive the cold.


It's human instinct to intake a large amount of calories at one sitting. We used to be hunter gathers.


If you were to draw a time line of human existence and it was 10 meters long, the period for which food has been readily available to us would be smaller than the tip of a pencil.

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Isn't modern fruiit bred to taste nicer, therefore higher in sugar?


Fruitarians and 80-10-10ers have no issue with high-sugar fruit.


In fact the biggest issue is fruit low in sugar. Durianrider, for example (ultra lean as in ultra- long distance runner and cyclist who trains with the Australian national cycling teams) frequently complains that most fruit in Australia is picked too early, is unripe and, consequently, too low in sugars.


He frequently goes to Thailand, where he points out, the fruit is much higher in sugar, and, the Thais know when to pick it for optimal ripeness.


In fact, he frequently adds organic refined sugar to his fruit smoothies, to up the sugar content.


He admits that adding refined sugar is not ideal, but, in the absence of properly ripe high sugar natural fruit, he regards it as the next best solution.


I realise our medical system has demonised refined sugar, but, I consider them to have erred, as-


1. durianriders results, in terms of both leanness and health (he frequently displays his blood tests results, which are perfect after many decades of the lifestyle


2. almost all high sugar snack foods normally eaten are also very high in fat- I believe this has not properly been taken into account in most studies, and that people who eat a lot of sugary foods are fat and ill mainly due to the high fat content


(see if you can think of a demonised sugary food that doesn't contain fat- there are very few)

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