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Should disabled people receive compensation when their train is late?

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It would be to open to abuse surely? If a non paying passenger had a right to compensation for delayed journey wouldn't they book tickets here there and everywhere? Hopeful for some delays on trains they never intended to travel on?


It does sound money for nothing, if your claiming via various means for your incapacity, and getting free travel on top isn't that enough, you can see how it could be abused?

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Many disabled people in the UK will have paid national insurance and income tax at some point or another. (Some of them will still be contributing to these systems). So, in effect they have already paid for things like the concessionary disabled travel pass.


A train arrives late enough for fare paying passenger to claim compensation for the delayed service. Why can’t disabled people claim? Is this an element of discrimination?


Can we just dispel this notion please. This isn't what NI and Tax is for. I pay both but don't get concessionary travel. The clue is 'concession'. It's not linked to what anyone pays into the system via tax and NI toherwise we would have a national system which we don't.

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Outside the PTE cheap travel areas a disabled person can buy one of these to get a third off travel.





Like I said before, appreciate what is availble not look for yet more "gives"


What's happened to the spelling mistakes? Oops

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Im assuming you are only talking local trains here? ie the ones funded by the PTE?


No chance of just being pleased that free rail travel is actually available then?


Yes, local trains.

Yes, very pleased that free rail travel is available.


It would be to open to abuse surely? If a non paying passenger had a right to compensation for delayed journey wouldn't they book tickets here there and everywhere? Hopeful for some delays on trains they never intended to travel on?

No. Disabled people don’t currently book tickets on concessionary routes. But, if the system was changed as suggested, a ticket could be issued on the actual train. Currently, passengers claiming for delays have to send their ticket in with the claim form


It does sound money for nothing, if your claiming via various means for your incapacity, and getting free travel on top isn't that enough, you can see how it could be abused?


Please don’t make assumptions. A person may have a disabled pass but may not be in receipt of Incap. (Just like some people on DLA are in full time work)


Can we just dispel this notion please. This isn't what NI and Tax is for. I pay both but don't get concessionary travel. The clue is 'concession'. It's not linked to what anyone pays into the system via tax and NI toherwise we would have a national system which we don't.


No dispelling of notions and ideas. This is a forum for debates. If you don’t like what you see, you don’t have to contribute to the topic. Each forum member can make their own mind up.


The central government receive taxes from the UK population. The central government provide funds annually to the local councils to run public services (one of those services is free travel for certain groups).



Like I said before, appreciate what is availble not look for yet more "gives"


Some disabled people cannot “fight” to retain what they have, let alone fight to receive more. The recent reinstatement of concessionary travel was down to the fighting spirit of pensioners (all respect to you guys)! Many disabled people have gone through hell as a result of the conservative government reforms (some have commited suicide because of those reforms. The disabled and sick people of the UK need all the help that is available. I will do what I can for them.

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No dispelling of notions and ideas. This is a forum for debates. If you don’t like what you see, you don’t have to contribute to the topic. Each forum member can make their own mind up.


The central government receive taxes from the UK population. The central government provide funds annually to the local councils to run public services (one of those services is free travel for certain groups).




Where I am coming from is this I pay tax and NI so this means I get everything that's going culture. That is NOT what we pay this stuff for. Travel concessions etc is not what we pay NI and tax for. And there is no automatic entitlement to pretty much anything just because you have paid in which seems to escape the majority of the populace. Yes we pay in but getting back always has conditions attached.

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No dispelling of notions and ideas. This is a forum for debates. If you don’t like what you see, you don’t have to contribute to the topic. Each forum member can make their own mind up.

Except there is debate and there is nonsense.


As Andy pointed out the notion of compensation is based on you having paid for a ticket. If you got a free ticket/concession then imo you should not be compensated disabled or not.


Agree with ann says. Your argument is weak imo.

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