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Rumours that Iain Duncan Smith is leaving DWP

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With any luck he will be wiped off the face of the earth, he is a disgrace of a man who has no compassion and does not give a monkeys about the most vulnerable in society so i would be happy to see something bad happen to him and see him get his Karma.

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With any luck he will be wiped off the face of the earth, he is a disgrace of a man who has no compassion and does not give a monkeys about the most vulnerable in society so i would be happy to see something bad happen to him and see him get his Karma.


Maybe he could be:

Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills or

President of the Board of Trade


And watch big businesses get smaller then fail!

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according to the BBC he isn't moving http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-28303854


Scroll to the bottom of the page and it lists who is staying in their jobs:


Cabinet ministers and others staying in their jobs

Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne

Home Secretary Theresa May

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin

Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers

International Development Secretary Justine Greening

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling

Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith

Culture Secretary Sajid Javid

Communities and Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles

Conservative chairman Grant Shapps

Employment minister Esther McVey (but will attend cabinet)

Minister for government policy Oliver Letwin

Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude

Culture minister Ed Vaizey (promoted to minister of state)

Local Government minister Brandon Lewis (promoted to minister of state)

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