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Superjuiceme - is fruit juice that good for you?

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Don't shop-bought smoothies contain a lot of sugar? Not sure if they add extra sugar, or is it mostly fructose?


Personally I have no issue with sugar. For people who do, there's the option of making their own smoothies from fresh, whole fruits, so they know exactly what's going into it, or, do what they do on the documentary, get a juicer and have fresh juices instead.


Main thing is to get off the highly processed 'foods' which are causing the obesity and ill health.


We can quibble over sugar in smoothies, we can ask 'where are you getting your protein/calcium' whenever someone tries subsisting off unprocessed fruits/veg, or goes on a juice fast.


But, what we should be asking, and reflecting on, is why we think it's sane or 'normal' for people to overeat the processed 'foods' that science has clearly shown is causing our epidemic of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancers.

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Onewheeldave: Juicing is a type of processing. Why not just eat fruit as part of a balanced diet? Fruit juice naturally contains more sugar than most soft drinks, you're losing all the fibre & possibly other nutrients from the fruit when you juice it.


People who go on fruit only diets tend to get health problems, in the rare event they can stick to such a harsh diet, you're just getting tons of sugar & not much else in your diet, juice only must be even worse.

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Onewheeldave: Juicing is a type of processing. Why not just eat fruit? Fruit juice naturally contains more sugar than most soft drinks, you're losing all the fibre & possibly other nutrients from the fruit when you juice it. People who go on fruit only diets tend to die young, in the rare event they can stick to such a harsh diet, you're just getting tons of sugar & not much else in your diet, juice only must be even worse.


Why not just watch the documentary? Then we can have a productive discussion.


Otherwise we'll just be dealing with irrelevant strawman claims, won't we :)


(the documentary at no point recommends long term fruit, or, fruit juice only diets).


---------- Post added 13-07-2014 at 11:37 ----------



very short video (4 minutes)- interview with Michael Arnstein, a world class marathon athelete who attributes his success to his fruitarian diet.

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Watch 'fat, sick and nearly dead', a recent documentary where 2 obese and ill men go on a 6 month juice only diet, lose the excess weight and basically save their lives. It's available on youtube so free to watch.


Personally I prefer smoothies as they contain the whole fruit, and can be bought in cartons or made at home easily with a basic hand held food processor.


Having lived primarily off fruit/unprocessed plant foods for the past 6 months myself, I can tell you that there's no way the average person will be able to consume enough raw whole fruits to meet their daily calorie requirements- hence why most fruitarians/80-10-10 advocates make extensive use of smoothies and juicing.


That's great for them but it's just two blokes, there's nothing to say they couldn't have followed a normal, diverse healthy diet and exercise routine for 6 months and had the same outcome. Indeed many people do but they don't make the news because they aren't useful to someone to sell their product.


Taking odd stories of a few people here and there doing ABC and having XYZ outcome is meaningless.... and when the source comes from someone trying to sell you something I wouldn't trust it anyway.

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That's great for them but it's just two blokes, there's nothing to say they couldn't have followed a normal, diverse healthy diet and exercise routine for 6 months and had the same outcome. Indeed many people do but they don't make the news because they aren't useful to someone to sell their product.

They'd tried the 'normal' diets and failed every time, as many do. In particular, diets that involve calorie restriction to the extent of feeling hunger, just don't work for some (me included- having lost 2 stone to acheive my current lean 11 stone, I can honestly say I went nowhere near being hungry, and, the volume of food I eat is way more than the volume of food I ate when I was fat).



Taking odd stories of a few people here and there doing ABC and having XYZ outcome is meaningless.... and when the source comes from someone trying to sell you something I wouldn't trust it anyway.

They weren't selling anything.


Admittedly, the superjuice dude is selling dvds and diet plans, but, no-one needs to buy any of that. A plant based non-procesed food diet is basically about buying plant based non-procesed foods rather than the filth passed off as food in supermarkets.


All the strategies to make that easy, are available for free on youtube channels and websites, along with recipes, inspiring stories etc, etc.


Several of the big names are specifically against selling, and make a point of not selling any products on their channels, and, being highly critical of those who do (sell).


As I said before, I'll happily point anyone genuinely interested in overcoming their weight/health issues in the right directions, and provide links etc.


No one should need to buy this information- it's freely available.


It's very common that those of us who escape weight problems and health issues feel so gratefull that others worked to get the information out, that we simply want to spread it further, so many more suffering people can turn their lives around, benefit greatly, and, in turn help others.

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You realise that supermarkets sell fruit and veg and only marginally processed meat?


---------- Post added 14-07-2014 at 12:27 ----------


This is free to watch right now, looks interesting....




I think it's about using less prescribed drugs, and eating healthier food - including home made fruit juices.


What do you think? Tempted to buy a juicer?


I just had a look at the website and the man is a dangerous crackpot.

It should be illegal to publish things like this as they are likely to mislead people who have serious diseases.


Jason Vale, the Juice Master, believes that no other subject has been more over-complicated than diet, nutrition and disease and that it’s time for people to take back their health.

“My mission is to prove that the vast majority of pharmaceutical drugs are unnecessary and that fundamentally there is only one ‘true’ disease and therefore only one obvious solution” Jason Vale

At his Juicy Oasis retreat in Portugal, Jason will test his theory that chronic disease is caused by toxicity and nutritional deficiency, and that the best way to treat disease is simply with high quality nutrition.


This is just dangerous conspiracy theory and quackery.

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It's very common that those of us who escape weight problems and health issues feel so gratefull that others worked to get the information out, that we simply want to spread it further, so many more suffering people can turn their lives around, benefit greatly, and, in turn help others.


You realise that supermarkets sell fruit and veg and only marginally processed meat?


---------- Post added 14-07-2014 at 12:27 ----------



I just had a look at the website and the man is a dangerous crackpot.

It should be illegal to publish things like this as they are likely to mislead people who have serious diseases.




This is just dangerous conspiracy theory and quackery.


It starts to look scairly like an almost mystic "religious belief" in the power of fruit juices to me

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All the strategies to make that easy, are available for free on youtube channels and websites, along with recipes, inspiring stories etc, etc.


Several of the big names are specifically against selling, and make a point of not selling any products on their channels, and, being highly critical of those who do (sell).


As I said before, I'll happily point anyone genuinely interested in overcoming their weight/health issues in the right directions, and provide links etc.


No one should need to buy this information- it's freely available.


It's very common that those of us who escape weight problems and health issues feel so gratefull that others worked to get the information out, that we simply want to spread it further, so many more suffering people can turn their lives around, benefit greatly, and, in turn help others.


Thanks OWD.


I for one am very interested in eating healthier non-processed food.


The video you linked to about the ultra-marathon runner; he only eats fruit? It would have been interesting to see exactly what he's been eating and for how long, and the impact of his diet (both in terms of his general health, and also performance; though of course, there are likely other factors at play that influence a runners performance).


Can I ask, what's your experience been? What sort of things do you normally eat?

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