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Superjuiceme - is fruit juice that good for you?

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I'm quite slim and fairly healthy already, so not at all fussed with the weight loss aspect to this. More interests in potential raised energy levels, and sports (running) performance boost. Also, I do think there is a lot of rubbish in processed foods, so cutting down on those foods is good in my book.


I'll be slowly increasing my fruit intake, esp. bananas, and will see what impact that has over a month or so. Time to start stocking up on bananas then! Any tips for here to get them? Supermarket? Local fruit and veg shop?

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You dont think you are maybe slighlty obsessed with this over dose on fruit lark?


No, not at all.


For someone who thinks it's rubbish though, you seem to spend an awfull lot of time commenting on my posts :)


It came at a time when I was fat, getting old, ill and things looking like they were going seriously downhill.


Now I'm as lean as I was at 18 (currently 47) feeling very healthy, got consistent energy levels and real hope that the remaining health issues may clear completely over the next few years- just like they have for the other fruitarians I've been following on youtube.


So, if I'm enthusiastic, that's why. I'm also gratefull to the ones who inspired me, and, in thanks, want to do exactly what they're doing i.e. help others.


I'm not here to try and convince you, or any of the other posters who are here purely for an argument, or here purely to try and put my views down: I'm here for the obese and chronically ill people who've been utterly let down and failed by our medical system- those who are desperate and willing to actually try out a new way of eating.


You can't even be bothered to watch one minute of a youtube video, so I'm pretty sure that nothing I can say is going to open your mind.


---------- Post added 17-07-2014 at 00:23 ----------


I'm quite slim and fairly healthy already, so not at all fussed with the weight loss aspect to this. More interests in potential raised energy levels, and sports (running) performance boost. Also, I do think there is a lot of rubbish in processed foods, so cutting down on those foods is good in my book.


I'll be slowly increasing my fruit intake, esp. bananas, and will see what impact that has over a month or so. Time to start stocking up on bananas then! Any tips for here to get them? Supermarket? Local fruit and veg shop?


I find tescos good- bananas are 31p per pound which is the cheapest I've found. They're not ripe though, you'll need to build up a pile and cycle them through- they'll be brown spotted and ripe around 4/5 days after buying.


For running, if you've not checked it already, this will be of major interest-




an ultra distance runner who attributes his success to his long term fruitarian diet- lots of info and detail about his journey, plus race stats etc.


And, for videos, Durianriders youtube channel: he's runner and cyclist, boyfriend of Freelee the banana girl. He's an abrasive character with, sometimes, a strange sense of humour- but, he really knows his stuff.


And, thanks for the interest. It's tough on threads like this with all the trolls and those just here to put the old boot in :)


I kind of hoped I'd be writing more posts to actually help people with a genuine interest to find out more about this lifestyle and maybe try it out for themselves, rather than trying to reason with people here only for an argument who clearly aren't interested in doing any research for themselves.


So, thanks. And, if you do know any individuals who are in a bad way due to excess weight and illness, please point them towards these threads. And, of course, post updates about your own experiences with fruitarianism if you get into it.


By the way, if you do go fruitarian, I'd really recommend supplementing with B12.

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