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What would you have done?

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You were right, no if's, no but's, you were right.


The sad thing is, this sort of thing usually causes a circle of abuse. The young lad will probably do the same to his kids because it's all he knows.

( I've heard people say, a good beating never did me any harm)!!


After saying that, my own Mother was beaten badly by her Father until

he was sent packing. She always said to me and my siblings that we would never be afraid of our parents and never be beaten. As a result we had a wonderful loving childhood.


Those who walked on by should be ashamed.

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You were right imo and did the right thing. I would have called the police and let them sort it out. She might well smack him harder but you did say PUNCH which is over the line, although im not keen on seeing adults smack children. You could also argue that by intervening you might have discovered some ongoing abuse. Contrary to the other posters I dont think you see people smacking their children that much these days.


You did the right thing for the right reason.

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thats just what my friend said but I honestly could not just stand there and let her do it again. After she walked away, the boy and I just stood there looking at each other till I just opened my arms and he gave me a hug and slowly walked off in the direction the woman had taken, I'm 75 by the way


---------- Post added 14-07-2014 at 17:35 ----------


the friend was visiting me for a week from Sheffield and we were only on a days outing,I didnt get chance to either get the womens details nor call the police, she just walked off and left us standing there, my friend hurried me away as fast as she could as everyone was looking at me but no one offered to back me up


Obviously your friend was wrong to hurry you away when you should have been calling the police to report abuse and abandonment of a child. Did the boy catch his mother up or did you just leave him when your friend hurried you away?

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I'd like to thank you all for your support it means such a lot to me. My mother was very brutal to my 2 brthers an I, When I had my own children, I never abused them in any way,we respected each other. I t does not always follow that a battered or abused child will become an abuser,all of my children have followed my example.none of my well behaved grandkids and great grand kids have ever been abused in any way

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I was out with a friend on Bridlington seafront and came upon a woman screaming abuse at a young boy,8 or 10yrs old, as we drew closer she punched him in the side of his head with her fist. She was about to do so again when I stopped her,of course she told me to mind my own business but I said it was mine and everyone elses business if a child was being abused.I was in tears by this time but didn't back down She just said "well you take him then and walked away.My friend gave me a long lecture about interfeering,making a fool of myself and embarassing her,and she's an exsocial worker, who was right and who was wrong in this situation, she has made me feel terrible


laura4 , well done your a star, your friend the exsocial worker should be ashamed

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You have already had the answer to your original question many times in previous post`s , you did exactly the right thing , unfortunately too many people are willing to turn a blind eye , don`t want to get involved , not their problem etc . That is why so many vulnerable people ( not just children but adults as well ) are abused on a daily basis, it is easy to look the other way, but, it takes courage to speak out , well done.

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