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Have you ever been bullied?

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... afraid to say, i've been the bully too.


Hope you're okay now Bonzo77.


If you don't mind me asking, what made you become a bully? Did you feel justified in doing what you did? Did it make you feel better? Or empowered?


I'm not at all judging or trying to berate you in any way. I'm just curious, what it is in us, that makes us want to bully other people.

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Hope you're okay now Bonzo77.


If you don't mind me asking, what made you become a bully? Did you feel justified in doing what you did? Did it make you feel better? Or empowered?


I'm not at all judging or trying to berate you in any way. I'm just curious, what it is in us, that makes us want to bully other people.


I would think that it's much to do with low achieving but being of enough intelligence to recognise achievement in others, envy, frustration, jealousy etc. Many other factors but just as complex. I know of a bully at school..nicest fella you could wish to meet now. Most I would guess just grow out of it. Although that may not be Bonzo's explanation or justification.

Edited by ronthenekred
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I was badly bullied for most of my school years by different people, but as the years have passed most of them have ended up as struggling single mums and one died of a drugs overdose while working as a stripper....pretty sad state of affairs really.


I see them every now and then when I visit my Mum, all still living on the same estate, drinking in the same pub looking rough as hell. Does it make me feel secretly smug inside? Yes.


I have to say that the same has happened to me.

I was bullied at Secondary school - the girls who bullied me have not done well in life (without going into detail).



---------- Post added 15-07-2014 at 17:10 ----------


Yep - I got bullied because my brother was handicapped... How pathetic


Very sorry to hear that.

I was bullied because I am visually impaired, of small build and reasonably bright.

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Yep - I got bullied because my brother was handicapped... How pathetic


I got picked on because of my sister's learning disability, too.


I even got my nose broken aged 14 for sticking up for her, when the local bully began picking on her, and I stepped in to defend her.


I also got a lot of bother from a gang of idiots, where I worked some years ago, because they thought it was great sport to pick on a colleague who had learning disabilities, and I didn't think it was acceptable. The boss there was a word that rhymes with "losser", and wasn't interested in the gang picking on this young man. He far preferred to sit in his office with his mucky magazines. Sweet man :gag: .


I'm not at all ashamed that I stood up for what was right. Both for the young man and for my sister.


I'd do it all again, though, if need be!

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I would think that it's much to do with low achieving but being of enough intelligence to recognise achievement in others, envy, frustration, jealousy etc. Many other factors but just as complex. I know of a bully at school..nicest fella you could wish to meet now. Most I would guess just grow out of it. Although that may not be Bonzo's explanation or justification.


I agree. People don't just suddenly decide "oh, I know, I'll be a bully, that looks fun" - a bully doesn't just hurt other people, I believe, ultimately, he hurts himself in quite subtle ways.


I guess you'd really need to ask a bully or an ex-bully though, what's going on his or her own head. It would be very interesting I think to hear. If only we can put the pitchforks down long enough to open our ears and our hearts? :)

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